Speaking English with Confidence, November 14-December 15, AUA, Yerevan, Armenia
This course is provided to prepare learners to practice what they learn in General English courses. While General English courses develop all language skills, the main focus of these courses is student-centered speaking. The goal is to provide students with a constructive and safe English-speaking environment where they can express themselves, freely and without inhibition, instilling in them a degree of confidence when communicating outside the classroom in various settings.
In this course you will:
- improve your fluency
- increase ease of expression
- expand your vocabulary and improve pronunciation
- obtain techniques to cope with stumbling blocks during conversation
- practice idiomatic and expressive natural English
- learn how to reduce the influence of your native language
- be exposed to native English language
- increase recognition of sounds and their meanings in English
- improve comprehension of authentic spoken English
- become attuned to speed, tempo, and pace of native speakers
Requirements: Placement test required, the students will be placed in one of the two groups Intermediate Level (3 or 4) or Advanced Level (5 or 6), according to their certification. Placement tests take place every Thursday, 4:30 PM. Test fee is 2,100 AMD.
Dates: November 14-December 15
Schedule: 3 days a week, 2-hours sessions, 3:00-5:00 PM and 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Course duration: around 4 weeks/26 Hours
Course Fee: AMD 55,000
About the Instructors:
Mr. Vigen Vartevanian was born in Iran, educated in England, and is living in Armenia. He studied mechanical engineering at Thames University, UK. For twenty two years he ran his own business in London. In 2005 decided to move in Armenia with his wife and two children. Vigen started teaching English at the AUA in 2010, and as he puts it “found it a stimulating and enjoyable experience. Students are motivated, creative and quickly accept new ideas. My only wish is that I had started teaching as soon as I arrived in Armenia.”
Ms. Suzanne Daghlian is a writer/editor/manager with 30 years of experience in book publishing in New York City. As an Integrated Marketing Director at HarperCollins Children’s Books and with years in sales training and advertising at companies including McGraw-Hill, Prentice Hall, and Little, Brown and Co., she has written for many purposes and formats in business
Enrollment: To enroll in AUA Extension courses, please go through the following steps (see below for the Armenian version):
- Visit im.aua.am.
- Create an account by clicking New User Registration.
- If you are not a new user and already have an AUA account (having previously taken the AUA e-Math Test or applied to AUA), you should log into the account that you had created at that time.
- If you just registered as a new user, you will get an email asking to activate your account.
- Now, for registering to take a course, choose the Extension tab, then Extension Applications, and apply for the course(s) you choose.
- After you register online, your application will be reviewed and you will receive an email acknowledging your application.
- Closer to the course start date, you will receive another email confirming your enrollment, requesting that you make payment before the course start date. The fee can be paid online via credit card or through the EasyPay terminal (located at the entrance to AUA). Alternatively, you may pay the fee via bank transfer to American University of Armenia Fund, account 001-006402-001, HSBC Bank Armenia, indicating your full name (as in the registration) and the course you are paying for.
- The completed application together with the record of payment completes your enrollment.
Steps for online registration_Armenian