Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences Center for Cultural Analysis Postdoctoral Fellowship 2018, USA

Publish Date: Oct 09, 2017

Deadline: Nov 17, 2017

Become a Fellow

For 2018-19, the Center for Cultural Analysis will sponsor five fellowships for Rutgers faculty, five fellowships for Rutgers graduate students, and two Postdoctoral Associate positions for external scholars.

Faculty fellows will receive funding for a course release from their home departments, generally up to $5000. Graduate fellows will receive a $23,000 stipend, up to three credits in tuition remission, and health benefits (through the Graduate School), but they may not hold any other teaching positions, long-term fellowships, or administrative appointments during their CCA year. Postdoctoral Associates will receive a $45,000 salary, health benefits, and a private office in the new Rutgers Academic Building on the College Avenue campus. During the course of the academic year, Postdoctoral Associates teach one undergraduate course in a relevant Department within SAS, which is arranged through the CCA. Since the CCA Postdoctoral Associate position is considered a residential appointment, candidates must agree to establish residency within a forty mile radius of the New Brunswick campus during the duration of their appointment.

All seminar participants will have access to the CCA’s resources and will be expected to participate in and to present their work during CCA seminars, which meet regularly throughout the academic year.

2018-2019 Seminar: Classification

Seminar Leaders: Andrew Goldstone & Meredith McGill

From early modern commonplace books to tweets with hashtags, from the ritual markers of aristocratic degree to state statistics on race and ethnicity, from the divisions of trivium and quadrivium to the modern system of academic disciplines, practices of classification are where the organization of knowledge meets the organization of society. Long central to humanistic and social-scientific study, questions of classification have become newly salient as the digital remediation of the print record and the digital media of the present generate enormous quantities of information, most of it already organized in value-laden categories, for scholars to sort out.

The CCA invites applications for fellows affiliated with the 2018–19 Classification seminar. We welcome proposals that investigate classification in intellectual, cultural, and social life from scholars in any field of the humanities and social sciences. Possible areas of inquiry include but are not limited to: cultural taste and social stratification; genre and genre systems; the meaning of media formats; the art/non-art opposition; libraries, universities, and other institutional organizers of culture; "folk" and "expert" taxonomies; the collection of data and control of populations by the state; classification struggle and the problem of the exception.

The seminar, led by Meredith McGill and Andrew Goldstone, will meet approximately once every two weeks for three hours on Wednesday afternoons over the course of the 2018-19 academic year.  We will read and discuss scholarship related to classification, and members will circulate and present work-in-progress.  In addition, distinguished guests will visit the seminar to discuss current projects and share insights and expertise.

Internal Fellowships

Completed application packets are due to Department Chairs and Graduate Directors by November 17, 2017. Endorsed applications must be forwarded to the CCA no later than December 8, 2017. Packets available here - 2018-2019 Internal Fellow Application.

For ease of submission, each complete, endorsed application packet can be sent as a single PDF file to

External Awards

Applications for the two 2018-19 postdoctoral associate positions must be submitted via Interfolio. The application portal will only be available until January 26, 2018.

Please direct all inquiries about CCA fellowships to

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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