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Conf/Prog - Cultural and Biological Anthropology of the Caucasian and Near Eastern Populations, 4-6 June 2019, Armenia

Publish Date: Feb 03, 2021

Event Dates: from Jun 04, 2019 12:00 to Jun 06, 2019 12:00

Cultural and Biological Anthropology

of the Caucasian and Near Eastern Populations

June 4-6, 2019


Conference venue: academician Orbeli Conference- Hall

Institute of Oriental Studies,

Russian-Armenian University,

yerevan, Armenia


Organising Committee

Prof. Dr. Garnik Asatrian (Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian-Armenian University, Yerevan, Armenia)

Prof. Dr. Levon Yepiskoposyan (Institute of Molecular Biology, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia)

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Buzhilova (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)

Prof. Dr. Eugene Kobyliansky (Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel)

On the cover: painted vessel of the late period of Cheshme-Ali culture, Iran (2nd part of the 5th millennium BC), Louvre museum


Day 1 – October 4, Friday

11:00 – 11:30 Registration

11:30 – 12:00 Opening Ceremony

                                       Official Greetings and Opening Remarks


  • Prof. Dr. Pargev Avetisyan, Pro-Rector, Russian-Armenian University

  • Prof. Dr. Garnik Asatrian, Director, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAU   

  • Prof. Dr. Levon Episkoposyan, Institute of Molecular Biology, NAS RA 

Panel I Cultural Anthropology

12:00 – 13:30

Chair: Garnik Asatrian

  • Boyajian V.S. Crafting Genealogies in Balochistan: The Religious Aspect of Tribalism.

  •  Besolov V.B. Этногенез ираноязычных племен и народности в контексте осмысления архитектурно-художественного наследия Центрального Кавказа и Среднего Предкавказья эпохи древности и средних веков.

  • Arakelova V.A. On the Genesis of the Yezidi Community and the Problem of the Yezidi Identity. 

Lunch: 13:30 – 14:30

Panel II Biological Anthropology

14:30 – 16:00

Chair: Levon Yepiskoposyan


  • Ivanov A.V. Anthropological material from the excavations of the Armenian Church of the St. Apostles Peter and Paul in the fortress Chembalo (Balaklava).

  • Lavryashina M.B., Ostroukhova I.O., Ulyanova M.V. Territorial and Ethnic Properties of Gene Pools of Western Siberian Indigenous People: Polymorphism of Metabolic Genes and Immune Response.

  • Mkrtchyan R., Vorontsova E.  Биоархеология эпохи бронзы гегаркуникского региона.

Coffee Break: 16:00 – 16:30

Panel III Cultural Anthropology

16:30 – 17:30

Chair: Vahe Boyajian

  • Taghvayi Elaghe. On the “Humbaba” Ritual.  

  • Arakelova V., Gaboyan A.. On the Issue of the Talyshi Identity. 

  • Tavakoli Azam. On some peculiarities of kinship terms in Yaghnobi. 

Day 2 – October 5, Saturday

Panel VI Biological Anthropology

10:00 – 11:30

Chair: Vahe Boyajian

  • Yepiskoposyan L., Hovhannisyan A., Khachatryan Z., Khudoyan A. Genetic Atlas of Historical Armenia.

  • Karapetian M., Mkrtshyan R., Simonyan H.  Evidence of Ankylosing Spondylitis in Bronze Age Skeleton from Norabak Site: Possibly One of the Earliest Cases from Southeastern Armenia

  • Vasilyev S., Borutskaya S., Galeev R., Yatsishina E., Ushakov V. Anthropological Study of the Ancient Egyptian Mummy Based on the Computed Tomography method.  

Coffee break: 11:30 – 12:00

Panel V

12:00 – 13:30

Chair:  Maria Lavryashina

  • Simonyan H., Mkrtchyan R., Piliposyan A., Vorontsova E., Population of Uduri-Etiuni.

  • Gabuchian A., Knyaz V., Leybova N., Petrosyan G., Galeyev R., Simonyan Hakob. Современые методы получения и анализа трёхмерных изображений антропологических материалов на примере цифрового одонтометрического исследования нижней челюсти из погребения Шенгавита.

  • Pozhidaev V., Retivov V., Presniakova N., Loboda A., Yatsishina E., Tereschenko E., Bakushev M.,  Vasilyev S., Frizen S.  The results of a comprehensive study of paleoanthropological materials from the catacomb of 62 Zmeysky medieval burial ground (North Ossetia-Alania)

Lunch: 13:30 – 14:30

Panel VI

14:30 – 16:00

Chair: Vladimir Besolov

  • Asatrian G.S. К проблеме этногенеза курдов.

  • Ayvazian Shushanik. Армяне в Центральной Азии в 10-13 вв.: полемика о верованиях тюрко-монгольских народов в средневековых армянских источниках.

  • Taschian Ruben. Восточно-католические общины Ближнего Востока: проблемы идентичности. 

Day 3 – October 6, Sunday

Panel VII:

10:00 – 11:30

Chair: Sergey Frizen

  • Kobyliansky Eu. Kalichman L., Torchinsky A. Starvation may curtail the life span of men via shortening of telomere length and change the type of inheritance of telomere length in generations.

  • Buzhilova A., Kharitonov V., Vasilyev A. Онтогенетические особенности ребенка из Тешик-Таш и его положение в ряду среднепалеолитических находок

  • Closing Remarks   

Coffee Break: 11:30 – 12:00

12:30  A Tour to Garni Temple and Geghard Monastery


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