Research Fellowship Program 2016, Bicenrennial Foundation, Australia

Publish Date: Jun 24, 2016

Deadline: Jun 30, 2016

Fund your vision to shape Australia

Westpac Bicentennial Foundation is partnering with Australia’s leading research universities to offer four Westpac Research Fellowships valued at up to $460,000 over three years. This unique fellowship supports outstanding early career researchers whose ground-breaking work has the potential to make a difference in one of the Foundation's focus areas:

  • Technology and innovation
  • Strengthening Australia-Asia ties
  • Enabling positive social change

Fellowship recipients will be exceptional people, chosen for their intellectual ability, leadership qualities, and commitment to the community.

The Fellowship has been co-created with our university partners to focus on the specific needs of our research Fellows, and covers each early career researcher’s full-time salary plus professional development and global experiences. 

A new holistic approach to supporting your research

The Fellowship aims to free you from the need to apply for multiple sources of funding, allowing you to focus on your research. It includes:

1)   Salary support for your position

The Fellowship will fund your fulltime salary and on-costs for a period of three years from the date of award.

2)   Opportunity for professional development and global experiences

Leadership demands an ability to view situations and circumstances from a variety of perspectives. The Fellowship provides the opportunity to add a global context to your research and undertake professional development. This may include attending conferences, courses, travel for research, an internship or volunteering.

Funding is available in 2017 for a maximum of three years. Fellows must start their research by 30 June 2017.


  • You are an Australian citizen or permanent resident;
  • You have been awarded a PhD between 1 September 2010 and 1 September 2013; or have obtained an Eligibility Exemption from the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) or equivalent if your PhD was awarded prior to 1 September 2010;
  • Your proposed area of research is in a field of research at a participating university with an Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) four digit Field of Research (FOR) rating of 5. For a comprehensive list of FOR codes by university, visit the Australian Research Council’s website;
  • You are able to commence your research by 30 June 2017;
  • Your proposed research will contribute to the future of Australia in one of the Foundation’s three focus areas (please note; funding requests for the purpose of medical research as defined in the ARC Medical Research Policy available on the Australian Research Council website will not be considered;)
  • Your proposed research includes international opportunities to develop your leadership skills and global networks, such as; study tours for the purpose of research, attending a short course or conference, an internship or volunteering;
  • You are able to supply two letters of reference, one academic reference and one personal reference; and a letter of support from the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research);
  • You are able to attend a national selection panel held in Sydney on either 24/25 November or 12/13 December 2016.

Earning a Fellowship is just the start

Money can help launch a vision but it takes a network of inspired and inspiring people to sustain it. That’s why every Westpac Research Fellowship recipient is invited to join theWestpac Scholars Alumni program.

This program offers more than just membership of a network that will help your career. It’s an incredible platform enabling you to join a diverse group of inspiring peers and mentors and providing opportunities for practical support.

Growing by 100 scholars a year across our five scholarship programs, this network will connect those with bold ideas to build a better future for all Australians.


We're ready to help you change the world

Securing a Fellowship will make an immense difference to your research, resulting in lasting benefits for Australia.

To be a successful candidate, you will need to demonstrate how your proposed research contributes to the growth and prosperity of Australia in at least one of the Foundation’s focus areas.

You will also be able to demonstrate:

  • Academic excellence and achievements to date;
  • A supportive and high quality research environment;
  • A strong sense of connection to Australia and commitment to improving the lives of others; and,
  • The attributes of a Westpac Research Fellow (See theFellowship Guidelines for the full list of attributes)

For more detailed information please click on "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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