Postdoctoral Fellowship in Environmental and Social Risk Dynamics 2017, Laboratoire de Géographie Physique, France

Publish Date: Feb 02, 2017

Deadline: Apr 18, 2017

“Anticipating post-disaster revival in the event of a one-hundred-year flood of the Seine River in the Île-de-France metropolis: from systemic diagnostics to operational recommendations”

Position description

As part of the elaboration of the Stratégie Locale de Gestion du Risque Inondation (SLGRI [local flood risk management strategy]) for the Île-de-France metropolis, the government authorities must include in their planning the management of the post-crisis period in the event of a major flood of the Seine River. To assist them with this aim, it is necessary to identify the strategic sectors for a post-disaster revival and the resources needed to re-launch activities. This diagnostic work is accomplished through consideration of post-crisis revival time frames (subsiding water levels, pumping, drying, clean up, re-launch, repair, rehabilitation, restoration and reconstruction). The goal is to describe the actions to undertake and priorities to set. Given the nature and density of the stakes, the approach developed falls under a systemic analysis to identify interactions among the key sectors for post-disaster revival. The specific cases of waste and the sanitation network will be studied in depth in order to both test the revival model elaborated and formulate operational recommendations to anticipate post-disaster management. The post-doctoral fellow will enter the Laboratoire de Géographie Physique in team 2 “Dynamiques actuelles des milieux : réponses aux changements environnementaux et risques” [current environmental dynamics: responses to environmental change and risks]; he or she will be co-supervised by Magali REGHEZZA (LGP) and Edwige DUBOS-PAILLARD (Géographie-cités).

Fundamentally multidisciplinary in nature, this research starts from the postulate that management of waste and the sanitation network has consequences on the length of the transition from the emergency period to the start of revival operations. The originality of this work lies in the both fundamental (systemic approach to the post-disaster period) and applied approach, the goal of which is to produce references to assist with decision making in an uncertain situation. The starting point for the post-doctoral fellow’s work will be a global knowledge review that will then be compared to the needs of the Île-de-France region. The objective is to identify blockages and possible levers for action and formulate recommendations. Collaborations are already in place with operational stakeholders (the Defense Zone of the Paris Police Prefecture and the Ile-de-France DRIEE). New partnerships could be established with the EPTB Grands Lacs de Seine, network operators or the City of Paris. Participation in the Stratégie Local de Gestion du Risque Inondation’s (SLGRI [local flood risk management strategy]) waste and sanitation groups, whose work focuses on managing service continuity, is ensured. Partnerships are also envisaged with research teams working on related topics (research underway on risk perception in the Val-de-Marne area at LGP, post-doctoral fellows working on domino effects at LATTS, CEREMA’s RAITAP project).

Planned collaborations

In the framework of current or future research programs:

  • LATTS;
  • CEREMA (cf. above).

In the Work-Package and in the UMRs:

  • Members of the Dynamiques Environnementales et Sociales des Risques [environmental and social risk dynamics] WP;
  • LGP: Magali Reghezza, Emmanuèle Gautier, Delphine Grancher;
  • Géographie-Cités: Edwige Dubos-Paillard.

With operational stakeholders:

The Defense Zone of the Paris Police Prefecture, the Ile-de-France DRIEE, EPTB Grands Lacs de Seine, network operators, City of Paris, Stratégie Locale de Gestion du Risque Inondation (SLGRI). 

Additional information

Contract start date: 1 September 2017

Length of contract: 1 year

Post-doctoral fellow’s supervisors: Magali REGHEZZA (LGP), Edwige DUBOS-PAILLARD (Géographie-Cités).

Host laboratory: Laboratoire de Géographie Physique, UMR 8591 – 1 place Aristide Briand, 92195 Meudon

Net monthly remuneration: approx. €2,324



Recruitment procedure and schedule

The application must be submitted electronically by application form. It must demonstrate that the candidate fulfils the requirements indicated in the post-doctoral profile (specified tasks and skills). The application will include:

  • a description of the research project (5 pages maximum) specifying the research-related issues, the methodology to be used, the empirical work (field and data), a feasibility report and project schedule;
  • a covering letter;
  • a curriculum vitae;
  • a list of publications with internet links (if available);
  • the doctoral thesis (PDF version);
  • the doctoral thesis defence report (not required for candidates having defended their thesis in a foreign country and for candidates having defended their thesis too recently. The latter will include a letter confirming the forthcoming oral defence of the candidate’s research thesis prior to Thursday, June 15 2017);
  • a copy of the doctoral degree, or certificate (the thesis must have been defended fewer than five years ago).

The deadline for the submission of applications is Tuesday, April 18 2017 (inclusive).

For your information: when the deadline has passed, the LabEx DynamiTe will contact the director(s) of the host unit(s) and will add one letter of invitation to the application.

This post-doctoral profile is open for applications at the same time as two other post-doctoral profiles. Nevertheless, only two of the three Profiles will be filled by two successful candidates (who will be recruited on two different profiles).

The 2 successful candidates following the assessment of the applications and interviews (which will take place on Thursday, June 15 2017) will be informed of the results from Friday, June 16 2017.

Work-Package: “Environmental and social risk dynamics”

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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