Jorma Ollila Grant
Scholarship Overview
The Jorma Ollila special fund was created to support recently graduated doctors to further develop their research careers. These personal grants are awarded for the purpose of gaining international experience and research excellence for a period of 1-3 years. In addition to financial support, the new special fund will support the selected applicants through the contact network of Nokia Foundation.
All applications should comply with the charter of Nokia Foundation. In particular, the research should;
- Relate to information and telecommunications technologies — this can include multidisciplinary research that strongly bridges other related fields, like social, behavioral, economics and service sciences, to information and communications technologies
- Support and promote education and research within Finland.
- Relate to one of the following focus areas of the Jorma Ollila special fund:
- Internet of things
- Big data
- Nano-technology
The current, three focus areas are preliminary for 2017. Final focus areas will be posted here before the summer of 2017.
How to apply
Application submission will begin on August 1, 2017.
September 25, 2017
Additional Info
Doctoral candidates, who have not yet publicly defended their doctoral thesis but have received permission to do so, may also apply for a grant. In such cases, pre-examiners’ statements on the thesis must be enclosed with the application. The grant will not be funded until after the doctoral degree is completed.
The use of an awarded grant may be deferred by one year for personal reasons, if the project plan remains the same. Decisions concerning longer deferrals are made by the Nokia Foundation Board on a case-by-case basis.
At least one reference must be included in your application. References may be uploaded directly by their author using the application tool. A username and password will be issued by the application tool once the application has been finalized.
Scholars who will receive a grant for more than one year must send an intermediate report to the Nokia Foundation Board towards the end of each grant year. The intermediate report must include an account on the progress of the scholar’s research project and a list of any completed articles, manuscripts in progress, attendance at conferences, posters and presentations to academic and other possible communities/audiences. The Nokia Foundation Board reserves the right to reconsider funding for the 2nd and 3rd year in the event that a scholar’s progress significantly differs from original plans.
Please note: you may partially complete an application (save a draft) and continue with it later. The application tool will provide additional instructions for completing the application form.
Grants awarded by foundations such as the Nokia Foundation are tax-exempt up to the equivalent amount of Finnish state grants for artists (in 2017: EUR 20 309,40). This is also the maximum amount granted per year from the Jorma Ollila fund.
For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: