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International Year One Business and Management, Kingston University, UK

Publish Date: Mar 29, 2016

International Year One Business and Management

The International Year One is currently undergoing re-validation and the course structure will shortly be confirmed. We welcome you to apply for the programme, and providing you meet the relevant entry requirements, we will issue you with an offer for the course (subject to re-validation). 

The course will offer progression as follows and you will be required to reach the following scores to progress from the International Year One: 

Programme title Award Academic score  English language score
Business Management

This course is also available with specialisms such as Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resource Management, IT and Service Operations
BSc (Hons)
40% in each module

60% minimum. 50% in reading, writing, listening, speaking*

BSc Business Management includes business experience offering the opportunity for a work placement or to undertake an overseas exchange. There will be the opportunity to specialise in the final year of the degree with options in human resource management, entrepreneurship, IT, service operations or finance. 

Entry requirements

Students applying to study the International Year One Business and Management programme are usually 17 years of age or above.

English language level

The table below shows the minimum English Language level required for entry to the International Year One Business and Management and the English Language Preparation programme (leading to the International Year One Business and Management). If you don't have a current IELTS grade, you may still apply to the ISC. Please contact us to find out about alternative assessment of your English Language level.

All students' English and numeracy skills will be tested on arrival, and study plans may be altered accordingly. (This may incur additional costs).

CourseEnglish language level*
International Year One IELTS 5.0 overall (a minimum 5.0 in writing and a minimum of 4.0 in all other components)

English Language Preparation (for International Year One)

IELTS 4.5 (min 4.0 in all bands)

* The English language entry requirements stated are for information regarding entry to the course. If you require a UK visa to study, depending on the type of visa you need, the English language requirements and valid English tests to satisfy the UK visa criteria may differ.

If you are applying to study in the UK under the Tier 4 student route it may be necessary for you to submit a Secure English Language Test (SELT) as part of your visa application.

Find out more about valid test providers and approved test centre locations for tests taken on or after 6 April 2015 (as well as information about valid SELT tests if taken before 6 April 2015**). To find out if you are exempt from the SELT requirement and to find out about acceptable English language tests please contact us.

** Please note: Any Secure English Language Test (SELT) taken before 6 April 2015 is only valid if used as part of a Tier 4 visa application submitted before 5 November 2015. The certificate is subject to the validity periods as outlined in the table in the link above.

Academic entry requirements

The table below show the minimum academic levels required for entry to the International Year One Business and Management:

Bangladesh Successful completion of High School Certificate at an average grade of 60%
China Successful completion of Senior High 3 at an average of 80% or above in 4 or more subjects
Colombia Successful completion of Bachillerato with 5 relevant subjects including Maths or ICFES - 4 subjects including Maths at 60% plus extra an year of study
Ghana Successful completion of OND/Ghanaian A Levels or Polytechnic Diploma
Hong Kong Successful completion of Hong Kong Advanced Level Examinations (HKALE) 2 A Level subject passes or 1 A Level plus 2 AS Level passes
India Successful completion of Higher School Certificate Standard XII with average grade 50% or above
Indonesia Successful completion of SMU 3/Sikolah Menegah at grade 7.0 in 4 academic subjects (including 7.0 in Maths and Science)
Iran Successful completion of High School Diploma (4 years)
Japan Successful completion of High School/Upper Secondary School leaving certificate at 3.0 GPA
Jordan Successful completion of Tawjihi plus further year of study.
Kazakhstan Successful completion of ATTESTAT/Certificate of Secondary Education plus further year of study
Korea Successful completion of High School Diploma (4th Grade, or lower if the student can demonstrate 1 further year of study)
Libya Successful completion of Secondary Education Certificate with average of 60% or above plus further 1 year of study
Macau Successful completion of form 6 with average grade 70%+
Mexico Successful completion of Bachillerato with 75% or 65% plus 1 year HE (pass) IB: 22 points & IELTS 5.5
Nigeria Successful completion of West African School Certificate (WAEC) or National Diploma/Advanced Technical Certificate
Pakistan Successful completion of High Secondary Certificate with average of 55%
Qatar Successful completion of Thanawaya Aam Qatari plus further year of study or party study of Diploma/Technical Certificate
Russia Successful completion of ATTESTAT/Certificate of Secondary Education with minimum 3.5 plus one further year of study
Saudi Arabia Successful completion of Tawjihi plus further year of study or part study of Diploma
Taiwan Successful completion of Senior High 3 plus evidence of further study
Thailand Successful completion of Mathayom 6 with GPA 3.0 (3.0 in Maths and Science subjects). Also 1 year post secondary study with grade 65%
Turkey Successful completion of Devlet Lise Bitirme Diplomasi. GPA 3.0 from high school. Also 4 year High School Diploma or Higher Technician Diploma
UAE Successful completion of Tawjihi plus further 1 year of study or part study of Diploma. Also part study of specialist diploma
Ukraine Successful completion of ATTESTAT/11th grade with minimum GPA 6.5 and above plus 1 year of further study
Vietnam Successful completion of Year 12 with average grade 7.5 plus further year of study (7.5 for Maths and Science subjects)

Other qualifications

The Diploma Programme Course (IB Certificate) 22 points (English test required)
As/A Levels 120 UCAS points
If your qualification or country is not listed then please contact us for more information.

EU student definition

EU students include:

  • EEA (European Economic Area) migrant workers and their families in the UK who have lived in the EEA for 3 years
  • EU nationals and their children who have lived in the EEA for 3 years
  • Refugees (recognised by the UK government) and their families
  • People who have applied for asylum and have been granted leave to enter/remain, and their families
  • The rules on whether you are classified as a ‘home’ or ‘overseas’ student are strictly defined by the British Government; universities do not have discretion.

Further Official Information

Link to Original

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