Support HyeTech Showcase 2016, 9 April 2016, USA

Publish Date: Mar 10, 2016

HyeTech is organizing an All-Armenian Tech startups ShowCase, where tech entrepreneurs from US and Armenia will present their products. It's a full day event with a great opportunity to network, and get to know Armenian talents. 
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As a part Entrepreneur Immersion Program we are raising funds to host 15 young entrepreneurs from Armenia in Silicon Valley for 10 days. During these days, they will work with experienced trainers, mentors and VCs.
For more information:
We are accepting donations, which are TAX-DEDUCTABLE through The Paros Foundation
for more information please contact Grigori Eyramjyan via email:
Let's help our Tech professionals to bring a change to Armenia

Date: April 9, 2016 10am - 7pm PST

Venue: Bechtel Engineering Center, University of California, Berkeley

Hosts: Nerses Ohanyan and Roger Strauch

Join Us

at our upcoming HyeTech Showcase 2016 featuring HyeTech's most exciting startups, success stories, and international professional networking!

This one day event is an opportunity to discover new products developed and launched by HyeTech members – including an expo to showcase their products, and open discussions with a dynamic group of entrepreneurs, technologists, investors and thought leaders in high technology.

There will be featured speeches from founders of companies including: Viki, Service Titan, Kanjoya, Joomag andCodeFights.

Entrepreneurs and investors from United States, Australia, Russia, Singapore and Armenia will be available for a day of networking, inspiring talks and idea sharing.

Join us April 9 at UC Berkeley, for this exciting HyeTech Showcase 2016 event!

Armenia is creating and marketing world class intellectual property and building IT products and services to meet the needs of the global economy.  Recent Armenian start ups include:  PicsArt, Viki, Joomag and Service Titan.   We need to create opportunities to connect Armenia's high tech community with Silicon Valley's entrepreneurs and investors.  Armenia start up companies must continue to enhance their business development expertise, sources of financing and professional networks to effectively compete on the world stage. This will help strengthen the overall ecosystem and help grow and sustain a successful IT sector of the Armenian economy.

HyeTech Showcase 2016, co-hosted by Nerses Ohanyan and Roger Strauch, will bring together hundreds of startups, entrepreneurs and investors from the US, Armenia and across the globe. The Showcase will be accompanied by the Entrepreneurship Immersion Program ("Program") - an ambitious, one-of-a-kind 10-day event for Armenia's and California's entrepreneur communities.  The Program will host 15-20 select entrepreneurs from Armenia.

The Immersion Program will commence in Southern California with participation in Innovate Armenia organized by the Institute of Armenian Studies at USC, and continue in the Bay Area with visits to Silicon Valley's top companies, incubators and venture firms. The program will include daily In-depth workshops on competitive analysis, business strategy, fundraising and successful pitching, company tours, mentoring sessions with local entrepreneurs and introductions to investors.

The Immersion program will culminate at the HyeTech Showcase at the Bechtel Engineering Center, UC Berkeley.  The Showcase will feature HyeTech's most exciting startups and success stories.  Members will demonstrate their products and network with a dynamic group of entrepreneurs, technologists, investors and thought leaders in high technology. There will be featured speakers from founders of companies including: Viki, Service Titan, Kanjoya, Joomag and CodeFights.  A pitching competition will be held for the Immersion Program participants.

Funding is needed for workshop materials, meals during event, accommodations and domestic transportation, for 15-20 participants from Armenia.  The selection committee consisting of HyeTech members will review applications and select the 15-20 participants.

Need $30,000 is needed to support the participation of 20 high tech professional's at HyeTech Showcase 2016. This event will provide these participants the opportunity to feature their idea, business or product to Silicon Valley's high tech community including potential investors.
Category Development
Start Date Now
End Date: April 9, 2016
Region All
City/Village All
Partner/s HyeTech Showcase
Sponsor/s Open to the public
Project Budget $30,000
Amount Needed $25,483
Short Term Impact In the short term, 20 high tech professionals from Armenia will have the opportunity to feature their product, idea or business to leaders from Silicon Valley.
Long Term Impact In the long run, connections made at HyeTech Showcase 2016 could result in significant business development, investment and advancement for Armenia as a viable high tech player on the world stage. Lessons learned and the experiences by the visitors can then propagate within the local Armenian entrepreneurship ecosystem and this would positively impact Armenia's economy and further development.
Sponsor Benefit Sponsors will be recognized on both the HyeTech Showcase and Paros Foundation websites. Donors will also be invited to the event.

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United States