The Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship allows researchers at all stages of their careers to do research abroad in collaboration with a Humboldt Network host of their choice anywhere around the globe. The Humboldt Foundation expects academic hosts to contribute to the Fellowship's funding. Their contribution should be about a third of the total fellowship money.
Individual assistance from the Humboldt Foundation and its varied sponsorship portfolio will be available to Feodor Lynen Research Fellows. If the candidate intends to apply for a Lynen Fellowship, they first need to select one of the approximately 25,000 potential academic hosts worldwide. The applicant's host must be a member of the Humboldt Network or a recipient of a limited number of international academic honors working in another country. The Fellowship provides a search tool for locating a host for the applicants in the following link. (
Eligibility criteria
Postdoctoral researchers from Germany with above-average qualifications – regardless of research discipline – are eligible for the Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship.
- During the last four years, the applicant has finished their doctorate.
- The candidate is six months away from finishing their doctorate and has already written a summary of their findings.
- The applicant's work has been published in academic journals and by publishing companies that have undergone rigorous peer assessment.
If the applicant meets the criteria in the "General requirements" (below) section and meets the primary prerequisites, they are eligible to apply for the Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship as a postdoctoral researcher.
Experienced researchers
- During the previous twelve years, the applicant received their doctorate.
- The applicant's work has been widely published in academic journals and has been peer-evaluated to international standards by academic publishers.
- The applicant's previous work demonstrates a distinct, self-contained academic profile.
If the applicant meets the criteria in the "General requirements" section and meets the preceding prerequisites, they are eligible to apply for the Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship as an experienced researcher.
General requirements
Besides the fellowship eligibility criteria, applicants must meet the following general conditions to be considered for the Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship:
Applicants must be citizens of Germany. If they are not currently in Germany, they should consult the FAQ section of the program. (
Provided a candidate is a citizen of a country other than Germany, they are entitled to apply if they are currently employed in academia in Germany at the time of application. They must have already been integrated into the German academic system and want to return to it following the applicant's intended stay abroad.
Please note that applicants must not have spent more than six months total in the designated host nation within the 18 months prior to submitting their application to be considered.
Confirmation of research facilities availability/host's statement
An academic of the applicant's choice who is a supporter of the Humboldt Network abroad or a holder of a selected international science award working overseas must give written confirmation of research facilities, submit a mentoring agreement, and compose a full review for the applicant.
Expert reviews
Applicants can provide two expert reviews.
- Postdocs: The applicant's Ph.D. supervisor and at least one additional researcher – preferably from outside the applicant's institute – should give well-founded information about the applicant's qualifications.
- Experienced researchers: Important collaborative partners and/or researchers from the applicant's institute as well as other institutes, including, if possible, collaborators from outside Germany, should offer reviews.
Language skills
Applicants must have a profound knowledge of the host country's language or, at the very least, an excellent understanding of English.
Note: Candidates who have already received funding from the Humboldt Foundation are not eligible to apply for the Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship. Alumni programs are provided to applicants in such instances.
Alumni programs
The initiative will also help applicants reintegrate into German society, such as with job interview subsidies or the option of a 12-month return fellowship. Even when the Fellows' research stays are completed, the program maintains interaction with them: alumni sponsorship measures flexibly assist each Humboldtian's journey through life, in both their profession and future partnerships.
How to apply
Before applying, candidates should speak with their chosen academic host about the specifics of their independently generated research outline. Applications are only accepted in an online form.
Required documents for application
Please note that candidates may only submit their application once they have attached the below documents in their application form:
- Curriculum vitae (a maximum of two pages)
- Research outline (a maximum of five pages)
- Complete list of the applicant's publications (
- A list of selected vital publications (
- Key publications
- Doctoral certificate or evidence of successful completion of the applicant's doctorate, or assurance that this will be the case well within following six months if required
- Acceptance form and/or acknowledgment of receipt from the publisher and summaries/translations of major publications not provided in German or English.
- In addition, two expert reviews and a statement from the host and confirmation that research facilities are available.
Please remember that the host(s) and expert reviewers can only upload these papers to a secure location. Only after these documents have been uploaded can applicants submit their applications. The application form contains additional information and explanations.
Selection Process
A selection committee of approximately 20 scholars from various fields decides to offer research fellowships. The committee's choices are generally based on the results of two independent peer examinations of a candidate's academic credentials. Depending on the applicant's career level, the evaluation is based on the following selection criteria:
- to date academic career and academic record (mobility, determination, thematic scope, scholarly productivity)
- quality of the essential articles listed in the application (originality, inventiveness, and assessment of the candidate's contribution to multi-author publications)
- the candidate's suggested research's uniqueness and innovative potential (significance for the further development of the subject area, convincing selection of scientific methods, potential for scientific growth, clear focus and feasibility within the requested sponsorship period, viability at the host institute)
- the future potential of the candidate (academic potential, personal development, career prospects)
- the independent research profile of the candidate (for experienced researchers)
Final thoughts
The Fellowship is an excellent opportunity for researchers and will allow one to excel in one's career and field. If you meet the eligibility criteria above and have a good research proposal fitting the scope of the Fellowship, be sure to consider applying for the program.
For further information, please click the "LINK TO ORIGINAL" button below.