Eyes High Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship, University of Calgary, Canada

Publish Date: Jun 08, 2015

Deadline: Sep 30, 2015

The University of Calgary’s Eyes High goal envisions the institution as a global intellectual hub. The Academic Plan emphasizes the importance of graduate students, most notably doctoral students, to the achievement of our Eyes High objectives.

The new recruitment scholarship is intended to increase PhD enrollment at the University, and is focused on areas of strategic research strength for the University. Approximately 55 scholarships will be available to recruit new, fully funded, doctoral students to the University of Calgary in 2014.

The Eyes High Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship will fund students for four years, at $25,000/year for domestic students and $30,000/year for international students. Students must begin their program in either September 2014 or January 2015.

Eligibility: Any full-time faculty with supervisory privileges is eligible to apply. Only one application per faculty member will be accepted. Faculty members must have an active, externally funded research program to be considered.


1.      These scholarships will be allocated predominantly, but not exclusively, in the areas of the six strategic research themes identified in the research plan (Brain & Mental Health, Human Dynamics in a Changing World, New Earth-Space Technologies, Engineering Solutions for Health, Infections, Inflammation and Chronic Diseases, Energy Innovations). Approximately 80% of the scholarships will be in the six areas, with 20% used to recruit extremely promising doctoral students from other areas across the academy.

2.      These students will represent new recruitment, not a replacement of current students supported by research grants. The intention is to fund expansion in doctoral enrolment.

3.      The students recruited will be of the highest caliber, and will be competitive for national or international scholarships. They must have an entering GPA of at least 3.5/4.0 or equivalent in their last two years of study.

4.      All students funded through the program will be required to apply for major provincial, national or international scholarships they are eligible for. Students who win a major provincial, national or international award will have their Eyes High award reduced to a minimum $8000 top-up (i.e. tri-council fellowship of $21K plus $8K top up). Students funded through this program will not be eligible to hold a Queen Elizabeth II scholarship. As students win external scholarships, new Eyes High Doctoral Recruitment Awards will be created and allocated in annual competitions.

5.      Faculty members receiving one of these opportunities to train a doctoral student will be expected to apply for new grant opportunities and to advance the research impact of the strategic research theme, and to provide a superior training environment for these students.

Application Process:

The application process will consist of two stages. First faculty members will complete a two-page application describing the doctoral opportunity, and provide a two-page curriculum vitae for the faculty member highlighting recent publications, grants, awards and graduate mentorship. An independent committee will evaluate these applications and successful applicants will be invited to nominate an incoming graduate student.

Stage 1: Two components that must be submitted by January 15, 2014 to gsaward@ucalgary.ca

  • Description of the opportunity (maximum of two pages) including as headings:
  • Applicant (i.e. supervisor)’s name, UCID, email address and telephone number
  • Description of the proposed research area of the doctoral student
  • Discussion of alignment of this research with the University of Calgary’s priority research themes
  • Description of how the addition of a doctoral student will increase the research capacity of the research group/supervisor
  • Details regarding what grant or other funds are in place to support the student’s research program, in addition to the Eyes High Recruitment Award (i.e. research funds available, equipment, travel etc.)
  • Summary curriculum vitae for the applicant (i.e. proposed supervisor), maximum two pages, including:
  • Top 5 high impact research contributions over past 5 years (since 2009)
  • Top 5 major grants and awards
  • Summary record of graduate training and mentorship
  • Summary of graduate supervision/training philosophy

Decisions will be made and communicated in early February, 2014

Stage 2: Nomination package for doctoral student:

A potential nominee must first be approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Successful faculty will submit a nomination, including a brief description of the student’s research to be conducted under their supervision, unofficial transcripts, and when available, additional information such as citizenship and UCID. This process is to be completed by March 10th, extensions by request.

Following approval from FGS, the student and supervisor will complete the final nomination package. At this time the student’s UCID, citizenship and start date are required, along with a one page research proposal and list of awards, publications and presentations.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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