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Conf/CfP - Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing, 23-25 September 2019, Germany

Publish Date: Dec 10, 2018

Deadline: Jun 14, 2019

Event Dates: from Sep 23, 2019 12:00 to Sep 25, 2019 12:00

The 14th International Conference on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing

The conference invites papers related to themes including but not limited to:

  • NLP applications and linguistic aspects of finite-state methods
  • Finite-state models of language
    • Practices for building and evaluating morphological models for the world's languages using finite-state technology
    • Machine learning of finite-state models of natural language
    • Finite-state manipulation software and tools with relevance to NLP

Important dates

  • deadline of submission: June 14, 2019
  • notification: July 29, 2019
  • camera-ready version: August 26, 2019

Deadlines are 12 pm in Central European Time (UTC+1).


Papers must present original, unpublished research and implementation results. Simultaneous submissions to FSMNLP and to another conference or workshop are not allowed.

FSMNLP accepts two kinds of submissions:

  • long papers (8 pages excluding references and appendices) reporting completed, significant research,
  • short papers (4 pages excluding references and appendices) reporting ongoing work and partial results, implementations, grammars, practical tools, interactive software demos, etc.

Short papers are expected to be presented as system demos, posters and/or short presentations, while long papers are presented in full talks. Accepted long papers can be extended by one page in order to deal with the criticism in the reviews.

All submissions are electronic and only in PDF format via EasyChair. Authors have to prepare their papers in LaTeX using the ACL 2019 style files to produce the PDF document. 

Since the submission and reviewing is double blind, information about the author(s) and other identifying information such as obvious self-references and financial or personal acknowledgements should be omitted in the submitted papers whenever feasible.

A paper may contain a clearly marked appendix and data files to support its claims. This material will not be published. While reviewers are urged to consult this extra material for better comprehension, it is at their discretion whether they do so. Such extra material should also be anonymized to the extent feasible.

All accepted papers will be published and archived in the FSMNLP 2019 proceedings in the ACL Anthology, but not before September 20, 2019. For this the authors should grant the appropriate copyright. We do not plan to organize a special issue.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

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