WHO can apply?
Dancers and choreographers with decidedly professional ambitions from European, Eastern European and non European countries, preferably between 22 and 30 years of age (no rule, but a guideline!) and a good knowledge of English. The working language of the program is English!
Where can I get an idea of the Scholarship Programme, what it will be like, to measure whether this programme contributes to my further development / is a perfect contribution to my momentarily situation?
You can find all the important information on our website WWW.LIFELONGBURNING.EU. In the section Scholarship - Scholarship Recipients you will find a list with all former danceWEBers who have written a report about their experience during the Scholarship Programme. These reports can give you an inside perspective of how the scholarship programme will be like, how they experienced it, how they felt about it. If you want to know more about it you can contact them by their e-mail addresses.
How do I apply?
We do only accept applications through our online application tool, available through this website (see link below). The application is open until 11 December 2015. We do only accept applications through our online application tool. Incomplete or late applications as well as applications via e-mail, post or fax will not be considered!
WHEN to apply?
The application form for the danceWEB Scholarship Programme 2016, taking place from 13 July - 17 August in the frame of the ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival. Applications are accepted until 11 December, 2015 - noon CET. We recommend not to wait until the last 24 hours to submit the application in order to avoid technical problems due to server overstrain.
What does the application consist of?
The application consists of an application form (pdf) that you need to download from the website, fill in and upload again to the website.
This application form consists of 4 parts:
1.) Personal Data
2.) Artistic Career (Education & Training/Performance activities)
3.) Artistic Statement (English)
You have to upload the application form together with the further following documents (Allowed file formats are: doc, rtf, pdf or jpg. Max. filesize is 1MB):
at least 1 recommendation letter (English) (maximum 3)
2 recent photos (portrait & dance photo)
current Curriculum Vitae (English), maximum 2 pages
The application form is available until 11 December 2015 - noon CET.
Please note: you are not obliged to fill in every box of the pdf application form! please fill in only those boxes that apply to you! It's more about personal significance than quantity!
When filling in the application pdf form, make sure to respect the character limitations in the boxes. The applications are printed out, information that only appears in the boxes when scrolling down is not on the print and can therefore not be considered.
What do you expect from my artistic statement?
Please describe yourself, your artistic way of working; what does distinguish you as an artist; why do you want to take part in the Scholarship Programme and what do you expect, what you like to get from this Programme and what you are ready to give. These are only guidelines; you can arrange your statement in whatever way you consider it suitable for presenting yourself. Please do not write more than 3000 characters (i.e. approx. one page or 500 words). The artistic statement has to be in English.
Who can write a recommendation letter?
Recommendation letters can be written by choreographers or other dance artists you have worked with, teachers or professors who have accompanied you for a certain period or who have experienced you in your way of working. The more these people are familiar with the Scholarship Programme the better they can measure what will be coming up to you, with what you will be confronted. (Former WEBers and artistic mentors usually have the best experience!) The recommendation letters have to be in English.
How many recommendation letters can I attach, in which format and do they have to be originally signed?
In order to give everyone the same conditions in the application process you can attach three recommendations max. Please try to attach them as a PDF files. Normally a recommendation letter covers no more than one page. They don’t have to be originally signed.
How is my scholarship financed?
One scholarship values approximately EUR 6.450,- (depending on the individual choice of research projects, workshops and performances per scholarship holder). The Culture Programme of the European Commission covers EUR 2.150.-, another EUR 2.150,- shall be covered by national/regional funding bodies of your home country/country of residence. danceWEB as non profit association covers the remaining expenses, with the help of Austrian funding bodies
How does it work with finding a financial contribution to my total scholarship expenses?
In case you get selected for the danceWEB Scholarship Programme, you still need to find a financial contribution (EUR 2.150.-) to your total scholarship expenses from local funding bodies in your home country/country of residence in order to secure your participation. danceWEB will assist you in finding financial support. You don't need to have secured the funding already for the application!
The scholarship does not include travel and per diem expenses, it is recommended to find financial support for these expenses as well in case you get selected for the program.
How many photos can I attach and what kind of photos should they be?
In order to give everyone the same conditions in the application process you can attach at most 2 photos. You should attach one portrait and one dance photo.
In which format and size shall I attach the photos?
Please try to attach them as a PDF or JPG files. Attachments shall not exceed 1MB file size. Please do not send photos in a word document.
What do I do when I can‘t attach the required documents?
If you have problems with attaching your documents please have a look at the questions above and check whether you have used the required size and formats. If it still doesn‘t work please contact us via email at SCHOLARSHIP@DANCEWEB.EU
What do I do when I can’t send my application due to technical reasons?
Don‘t panic and send us an email explaining your problem as clear as possible. We will try to solve it and get back to you as soon as possible.
How do I know if my application has been successfully submitted?
Your application has been successfully submitted when you're automatically redirected to the confirmation page! Further, the receipt of your application will be confirmed via e-mail. If you do not receive an e-mail a few days after the deadline, please check your spam boy, especially when using yahoo and gmx. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact our office to verify that your application has been received.
Access the online application form for the danceWEB Scholarship Programme 2016 >>HERE
If you have further questions, please contact:
Hanna Bauer
+43 1 523 55 58 40 (direct line)
+43 1 523 55 58 88 (fax)
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: