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Conf/CfP - Conference of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies, 30 January–2 February 2018, University of Queensland, Australia

Publish Date: May 02, 2017

Deadline: Jul 28, 2017

Event Dates: from Jan 30, 2018 03:40 to Feb 02, 2018 03:40

Australasian Society for Classical Studies

Annual Meeting and Conference 39

Tuesday, 30 January - Friday, 2 February 2018 

The 39th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies will be hosted by the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, from 30 Jan – 2 Feb 2018. The conference convenors are Amelia Brown and Tom Stevenson. Please direct enquiries to them. 

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 28 July 2017. Please follow the instructions below and on linked pages carefully.

Withdrawal of Offers

To avoid disruption to the draft programme through last-minute withdrawals, please note the following requirements:

  • No offer of a paper will be accepted finally until the conference registration fee has been paid.
  • Refund of the registration fee will be available up to six weeks before the conference (minus an administrative fee).
  • There will be no refund of the registration fee for a withdrawal from the conference less than six weeks before the conference, except in the case of illness or serious misadventure.

The convenors are

  • Dr Amelia Brown
  • Associate Professor Tom Stevenson

The conference will feature a keynote address on the evening of Wednesday, 31 January by:

Professor Christopher Faraone
Department of Classics
University of Chicago

Length of Papers

20 minutes + 10 minutes for questions (30 minutes total)

Offers of Papers/Abstracts

  • Abstracts (150-250 words) are due by 28 July 2017
  • Early bird registrations close on 31 October 2017

Audio-Visual Requirements

For those who are offering papers, please use the registration form to submit a detailed list of your audio-visual requirements by 15 December 2017.

Travel and Accommodation

We are asking delegates to organize their own travel and accommodation for the duration of the conference, though we would like to help as much as possible. Please see the accompanying files for information on travel and accommodation, but please don’t hesitate to contact one of the organizers for further assistance.

Content of Abstracts

Offers of papers, posters, panels and archaeological reports should be accompanied by an abstract of 150-250 words. Abstracts over the limit will be returned to the person making the offer to be reworded to fit the maximum and delays in conforming to this limit could lead to the rejection of the offer. On the other hand, abstracts should not be so short that the review committee will not get the real gist of what you want to argue. Advice on what should be contained in an abstract is given below as a guide, particularly for those with less experience in offering conference papers. Remember that the readers of your abstract will not know who you are, nor anything about your reputation as a speaker. They will have only the abstract or, in the event that it is part of a panel, the panel description and associated abstracts. You need to convince the readers that you have something worthwhile to say, that it is in touch with relevant works of scholarship (where relevant), and that your argument can be delivered in 20 minutes.

The abstract should contain the following information:

  • a clear statement of the problem you seek to solve or the question you want to answer
  • a brief explanation of the abstract’s evidence base and its relationship to the existing literature on the topic
  • an indication of how you intend to resolve the issue and what about your argument is new or worth hearing.

You should include short citations of the modern works which are seminal to the argument. Choose them carefully. We want to know that you are in touch with the most appropriate scholarship. We do not need a full list and require that you select only three.

Full bibliographical details (which do not count in the word limit) of these works should be supplied at the end of the abstract.

Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts should be sent to the dedicated conference abstracts email address ( Your abstract should use the ASCS 39 Abstract coversheet.

You are asked to nominate up to three areas of study (listed on the coversheet) which best fit the content and intention of your study. Your nominations will directly affect who initially assesses your abstract and, if the paper is accepted, can determine where you are placed on the conference programme.

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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