Conf/CfP - Balkan Conference on the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, 6–8 October 2017, Republic of Macedonia

Publish Date: May 03, 2017

Deadline: May 09, 2017

Event Dates: from Oct 06, 2017 12:00 to Oct 08, 2017 12:00

Balkan Conference on the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation

Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

October 6–8, 2017

The Balkan Conference on the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation is one of the few academic conferences in the Balkans commemorating the Reformation and will be bringing together scholars and students from all over the Balkans, Great Britain, and the United States.*


  • To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation and its effects on European culture.
  • To highlight the history and impact of the Protestant Reformation in the Balkans.
  • To encourage cooperation and resource sharing among Balkan institutions in the study of Protestantism and its effects in the Balkans.

Participating Institutions or Individuals (so far):

  • The Balkan Institute of Faith and Culture (Dr. Kosta Milkov) (steering committee)
  • The Institute of National History, Republic of Macedonia (Prof.dr. Dragi Gjorgiev) (steering committee)
  • The Institute for the Cultural and Spiritual Heritage of the Albanians in Macedonia (Dr. Skender Asani) (steering committee)
  • The Institute for Albanian and Protestant Studies (David Hosaflook, Ph.D. cand.) (steering committee)
  • The University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology (Prof.dr. Valentina Duka)
  • The University of Prishtina, Faculty of Philosophy ( Bujar Dugolli, Prof.dr. Muhamet Mala)
  • Georgeta Nazarska (State University of Library Studies and IT, Sofia, Bulgaria)
  • Prof.dr. Xhevat Lloshi (linguist, Tirana)
  • Dr. Svetla Shapkalova (State University of Library Studies and IT, Sofia, Bulgaria)
  • Dr. Wolfgang Nestvogel (Bekennenden Evangelischen Gemeinde Hannover)
  • Prof. Albert Ramaj, Albanisches Institut (Switzerland)
  • Asst. Prof.dr. Anton Panchev (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”)
  • Dr. John Quanrud, (London, Institute for Albanian and Protestant Studies)
  • Assoc. prof.dr. Konstantinos Giakoumis (University of New York, Tirana)
  • Dr. Corneliu Constantineanu (Center for Intercultural and Interconfessional Studies, “Aurel Vlaicu” University, Arad, Romania)
  • Other individuals and institutions have been invited and will be listed here only when confirmed

Desired Outcomes:

  • The presentation of new research on a field of Balkan historiography which has not been well studied
  • Excellent and interesting presentations
  • The publication of papers in the conference proceedings
  • Identification of new fields of research
  • Discussion, cooperation and networking among individuals and institutions

Breadth of topics and events to be treated:

  • Overview of the Reformation and how it changed the world
  • The Balkans between the simultaneous rise of the Ottoman Empire and Protestant Reformation
  • Protestant missionary efforts in the Balkans in the 19th-20th centuries
  • Protestant contributions to the development of education and literacy in the Balkans
  • Principles for modern-day reform: What makes reformations helpful or damaging?
  • Printing and periodicals in the Balkans
  • The Bible and literacy in the Balkans
  • The 19th-20th century American Protestant educational movement in the Ottoman Empire and the Balkans
  • The political engagement of Protestant missionaries in the Balkans
  • The cultural and social effects of bringing liturgy, hymns, and preaching into the vernacular
  • Sketches of prominent figures in Protestant history, especially local figures (educators, linguists, preachers, teachers, etc.)

The Steering Committee for this conference is comprised of David Hosaflook (Institute for Albanian and Protestant Studies); Dragi Gjorgiev (The Institute of National History, Republic of Macedonia); Skender Asani (The Institute for the Cultural and Spiritual Heritage of the Albanians in Macedonia); and Kosta Milkov (Balkan Institute for Faith and Culture).

Dates and deadlines:

  • May 9, 2017 – Official Call for Papers issued
  • June 20, 2017 – Abstracts for papers must be submitted
  • September 1, 2017 – Papers must be submitted so they may be edited for publication
  • October 6-8, 2017 – Conference

* We have confirmed participation from scholars of Albania, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Kosovo, the Republic of Macedonia, Romania, and the United States (last updated May 9, 2017).

Cultural Events:
We intend to include music and artistic events as part of the conference – the web site will be updated as these are determined definitively.

Approved Lectures:

As topics are pre-approved, we will update this list, to avoid overlap.

  • Bible Society Documents as a Treasure for Albanian-language Education and Books (prof.dr. Xhevat Lloshi)
  • Protestant Missionaries in the Balkans: Purposes, Policies, and Perceptions (David Hosaflook, Ph.D. cand.)

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

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