Center for the History of Women Philosophers First International Libori Summer School, 23 - 28 July 2017, Germany

Publish Date: Mar 17, 2017

Deadline: Jul 15, 2017

The First International Libori Summer School 2017

July 23rd to 28th, 2017

The Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (HWPS), sponsored by the Ministry of Innovation, Higher Education, and Research of North Rhine-Westphalia, in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Philosophy at Paderborn University announces

The Libori Summer School 2017 offers four parallel courses held by leading experts in the specific areas which will present, investigate, and discuss women philosophers and scientists of various eras. The courses take place from Monday, July 24th to Friday, July 28th, 2017. In addition, social and evening activities will be provided. The Libori Summer School 2017 welcomes international participants interested in the field of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (HWPS). We appreciate the contributions of international (under-)graduate students as well as university scholars, and encourage everybody interested to apply. Plenary presentations, round-tables, and courses focusing on women philosophers, among other things, will be offered to students and scholars at the Libori Summer School 2017.

Monday to Friday 10 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Undergraduate and graduate students will have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in this field of research, enrich their perspective in an intercultural setting, and to engage in direct interaction with leading experts in the area through discussions and participation in courses. Moreover, it aims to summarize the state of research and assist academic scholars in the field of HWPS with their research projects. In the morning sessions, the course instructors will give a general overview and introductions into various fields of research. In the afternoon sessions, the course participants will investigate and enhance their knowledge on specific topics, which will have been presented in the morning session. Courses and discussions will be held in English.

How to apply

Please send the application to contact(at)historyofwomenphilosophers(dot)org.

The application should be submitted in a single .pdf-file and include:

  1. A brief curriculum vitae of no more than two pages. 

  2. A letter of motivation of no more than one page. 

  3. A statement of intent, which two courses would be your preference of attending.

Applications can be submitted until July 15th. However, we strongly encourage interested students to apply well in advance, as suitable applicants will receive notice of acceptance prior to the final deadline and space is limited.


Credit points will be awarded for successful participation in the courses, comprising 30 contact hours (3 ECTS) and the composition of a 20-page paper related to the contents of the respective course (3 ECTS). The students are expected to participate in the plenary presentations and discussions.

International students, whose credit system differs from the European, can earn an additional ECTS-point if it allows them to translate the ECTS into their national system (e.g. 7 ECTS are generally translated into 4 SCH). To acquire the additional ECTS-point, the students are required to prepare a presentation on a related current research-project in the field of HWPS. If possible, introducing a project of the university of origin to the scholars would be ideal. This presentation should be prepared in English and be no longer than 20 minutes before discussion. 

As a student from outside of the European ECTS-Cooperation of Erasmus, if you wish to receive credit for your Summer School course, you will need to contact either your Study Abroad Office or the office in your university that deals with external credit. We strongly advise you to do this before you apply. Since it is up to your home institution to decide how much credit is awarded as credits are not printed on Summer School transcripts. The numbers offered in this statement are based on average calculations, but the awarded ECTS need to be converted your Study Abroad Office or corresponding office individually.


The Libori Summer School 2017 is organized by the project Center History of Women Philosophers and Scientist, funded by the Ministry of Innovation, Higher Education, and Research of North Rhine-Westphalia. Participation is free. 

Common lunch will be provided during the Libori Summer School Week.

Travel expenses and costs of accommodation will not be covered by the project Center History of Women Philosophers and Scientists.

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

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