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Ancient and Classical Worlds Summer Programme, University of Cambridge, UK

Publish Date: Oct 15, 2015

Deadline: Jun 20, 2016

Event Dates: from Jul 03, 2016 12:00 to Jul 16, 2016 12:00

About Ancient and Classical Worlds Summer Programme

This programme offers courses on a range of past cultures and civilisations taught by leading experts. Whether you are drawn by history or architecture, archaeology or literature, warfare or medicine, the programme will allow you an unrivalled chance to immerse yourself in the latest thinking on antiquity.

Academic programme

  • Four special subject courses
    (two per week)
  • Plenary course AE0:
    Parallel Lives
  • Evening lectures

Special subject courses

You choose two courses per week, each has five sessions. Courses are led by recognised experts from the University and other British universities.

Week 1:

11.15am – 12.45pm

Aa1 - Athens and Sparta: rivals for Greek domination
Aa2 - Rome and China
Aa3 - The Ancient Egyptian Empire: treasures, treaties and conquests
Aa4 - Archaeology in the crucible of civilisation: the rise and fall of the Assyrian Empire

2.00pm – 3.30pm

Ea1 - "Ra has placed the king on his throne forever": Ancient Egyptian religion
Ea2 - Ancient Greek philosophers: the Pre-Socratics and Socrates
Ea3 - Building an identity in the ancient world
Ea4 - Ancient engineering

Week 2:

11.15am – 12.45pm

Ab1 - Philip, Alexander and the Macedonian superpower
Ab2 - Inca and Aztec
Ab3 - Greek drama in context
Ab4 - Medicine and miracles in the Roman Empire

2.00pm – 3.30pm

Eb1 - Ancient Greek philosophers: Plato and Aristotle
Eb2 - The first Aegean Empires: the Minoan and Mycenaean civilisations
Eb3 - Representing the hero, representing man: Greek ideas and ideals through their art, architecture and sculpture
Eb4 - The Etruscans

Plenary lectures

You attend the series of daily plenary lectures. Course directors and leading specialists associated with the University give lectures on subjects such as the origins of democracy, power in early China, and the limits of Roman rule. Contributors include Professors Paul Cartledge, Catharine Edwards, Roel Sterckx and Andrew Wallace-Hadrill. These talks offer a unique opportunity to hear from recognised experts from this University and beyond and in 2015 will focus on Parallel Lives.

Evening lectures

Invited speakers and members of the University will give a varied evening lecture programme, covering a wide range of subjects.

A typical day

On each weekday morning you attend a plenary lecture, followed by a class from your Aa or Ab special subject course. In the afternoons you attend a class from your Ea or Eb special subject course. Subject specific and joint evening lectures are offered in the evenings.

College accommodation

Accommodation is available for participants who want to stay in a Cambridge College. Please see the accommodation options available for this programme.

Non-residential attendance is also available if participants prefer to find their own lodgings.

Information for applicants

Programme calendar (available in December)
Who can apply
How to apply
Making choices
Programme options and fees (available in December)
Language requirements
Booking terms and conditions


The quickest way to apply is by using our secure online booking system. You can also apply by downloading an application form (pdf) and sending it by post or fax.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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