Sahel Fellowships, 2022, UNESCO

Publish Date: Apr 10, 2022

Deadline: May 01, 2022

Sahel Fellowship programme aims to strengthen the capacity of professionals and decision makers in the water sector to improve water management in the Sahel region countries to better cope with the challenges of stressed water resources including under the impacts of climate change.
To increase the relevance for specific water scarcity challenges in the Sahel, and to stimulate cooperation between professionals from different disciplines offered by IHE Delft, the students will participate in a number of additional, dedicated activities.
The fellowship includes: full tuition fee, health insurance, cost of visa/residence permit for the Netherlands and a monthly allowance of EUR 970 per month from the start till the end date to the programme (not exceeding 12 months).


  • Candidates are a national of and work and/or live in one of the eligible countries: Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger.
  • Academic admission to the MSc programme in Water and Sustainable Development 2022
  • Strong motivation statement.
  • Academic Qualifications
  • Quality of the motivation
  • Recommendation letters
  • Gender (females will be prioritized)
  • Distribution among countries (when a final list of prospective participants is available, IHE Delft will assign fellowships as equitably/equally as possible between the countries eligible for the fellowships).

Selection criteria

  • Academic Qualifications
  • Quality of the motivation
  • Recommendation letters
  • Gender (females will be prioritised)
  • Distribution among countries (when a final list of prospective participants is available, IHE Delft will assign fellowships as equitably/equally as possible between the countries eligible for the fellowships).

For further information, please click the "LINK TO ORIGINAL" button below.

Further Official Information

Link to Original

Similar Opportunities


Development Studies

Natural Sciences

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