Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) Doctoral Fellowships 2021-22, India

Publish Date: Jul 18, 2021

Deadline: Aug 14, 2021

1. Introduction

1.1 Doctoral Fellowships are awarded to selected scholars, who are registered for Ph.D. in UGC recognized institutes of national importance, universities/ deemed universities, ICSSR research institutes and colleges having approved Ph.D. programme with requisite infrastructure as defined by MoE /UGC to pursue and complete their doctoral research in any social science discipline.

1.2  The broad disciplines of study within the domain of social sciences identified by ICSSR are:

  1. Economics
  2. Management
  3. Commerce
  4. Sociology
  5. Social Work
  6. Social Anthropology
  7. Cultural Studies
  8. Socio-Sanskrit Studies
  9. Socio-Philosophical Studies
  10. Social Linguistics
  11. Gender Studies
  12. Health Studies
  13. Political Science
  14. International Studies
  15. Public Administration
  16. Diaspora Studies
  17. National Security and Strategic Studies
  18. Education
  19. Social Psychology
  20. Legal Studies
  21. Social Geography
  22. Environmental Studies
  23. Modern Social History
  24. Media Studies
  25. Library Science

1.3. Categories of Doctoral Fellowship

ICSSR is providing Doctoral Fellowships under its three ‘Centrally-Administered Doctoral Fellowship Schemes’ and ‘Institutional Doctoral Fellowship Scheme’ in accordance with the prescribed guidelines. In case of Centrally-Administered Schemes, the fellowships are awarded and monitored directly by ICSSR and the concerned doctoral fellows are affiliated to a university or college. Under the Institutional Fellowship Scheme, the doctoral fellows are affiliated to and monitored by an ICSSR sponsored / recognized research institute. The scholar can avail anyone of the fellowships under the following categories:

A. Centrally Administered Full-Term Doctoral Fellowship

B. Institutional Full-Term Doctoral Fellowship (administered by the ICSSR research institutes)

C. Centrally Administered Short-Term Doctoral Fellowship

D. Centrally Administered Contingency Grant

2. Eligibility

A) Centrally Administered Full-Term Doctoral Fellowship

2.1 The candidate must have a confirmed Ph.D. registration (Research Degree Committee (RDC) approved) at any of the institutions mentioned at 1.1 above on the last date of application. It includes the requirements of clearance of Research Entrance Test (RET); The Ph.D. topic must have been confirmed.

2.2 The candidate must not be more than 40 years of age on the last date of application. There shall be an age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/Person with benchmark disability;

2.3 The candidate must have secured a minimum 45% marks in Graduation and 55% in Post-Graduation or equivalent grades in any social science discipline. Five per cent (5%) relaxation of marks will be given to the SC/ST candidates; The submission of Marks Sheet, particularly of Graduation and Post-Graduation are mandatory otherwise the candidate shall be considered as Not Eligible.

2.4 NET/SLET and M. Phil from a recognized university will carry weightage in the assessment of research proposal. But NET/SLET qualification are not mandatory for eligibility purposes. However, the submission of the NET / SLET Certificate is mandatory to secure weightage in assessment.

2.5 Candidates who have already availed UGC Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)/ Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF)/ Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF)/ ICSSR/ ICAR/ CSIR/ ICPR/ ICMR/ ICHR or any such doctoral fellowship are not eligible to apply.

B)  Institutional Full-Term Doctoral Fellowship

2.6 All the conditions of the Centrally Administered Doctoral Fellowship (2.1 to 2.5) shall apply to this category also and the fellowship shall be administered through the ICSSR research institutes.;

C) Centrally Administered Short-Term Fellowship

2.7 All the conditions of the Centrally Administered Doctoral Fellowship (2.1 to 2.5) shall apply and, in addition, the candidate should have completed at least two years of research work for Ph.D. degree at any of the institutions mentioned at 1.1 above.

D) Centrally Administered Contingency Grant

2.8 This is a one-time grant awarded to a registered Ph. D. scholar at any of the institutions mentioned at 1.1 above, who is at an advanced stage of his/her research work. The candidate meeting all conditions of the Centrally Administered Doctoral Fellowship (2.1 to 2.5) is eligible to apply for Contingency Grant for the purposes of field trip, stationery and computer consumable related expenses.

3. How to Apply

A. Centrally Administered Full-Term Doctoral Fellowship

3.1 Applications will be invited through open advertisement on ICSSR website and should be received before the deadline mentioned in the advertisement.

3.2 The candidates shall submit an online application which includes the Research Proposal Format, namely, ‘Section IV: Details of Research Proposal’ given in the Application Form. Proposal should be submitted in the given proforma only.

N.B. At this stage, the candidates need not submit any document other than those referred in application form.

All scholars are required to keep the hard copies of their application and annexures ready, duly forwarded by the competent authorities of the university/college/institute so that they may submit the required hard copies, within one week after the completion of the process of screening. It is being done for the sake of convenience of the applicants so that they get more time for preparing the hard copies.

In case, the hard copy of application is not received within 10 days of asking, the candidature of applicants shall be treated as withdrawn/cancelled.

3.3 The Research Proposal should be either in English or Hindi (Use Devanagari to fill Application form in Hindi).

3.4 One applicant can apply only once under a particular Doctoral Fellowship scheme. However, he / she can apply separately for another scheme.

B. Institutional Doctoral Full-Term Fellowship

3.5 The scholars seeking Institutional Doctoral Fellowship are required to apply directly to the concerned ICSSR research institute against their Call for such fellowship. For details, the scholars need to visit the website of the respective institute. After initial shortlisting of applications by the institutes, the short-listed applications shall be sent to ICSSR, in soft as well as hard copies, for the evaluation by the ICSSR Expert Committee(s).

C) Centrally Administered Short-Term Doctoral Fellowship 

D) Centrally Administered Contingency Grant

3.6 The Application procedure shall be same as per the conditions at Clauses 3.1 to 3.4

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