IFYC/RNS 2021 Religion Journalism Fellowship
Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) and Religion News Service (RNS) invite recent journalism school graduates interested in reporting on religion and spirituality to apply for the IFYC/RNS 2021 Religion Journalism Fellowship.
As America’s religious and ethnic demographics grow more diverse, religious literacy and appreciation for the differences and kinships among people of faith and no faith is becoming essential for responsible citizenship. Journalism plays a key role in explaining and discovering how religion operates in American society.
The IFYC/RNS Religion Journalism Fellowship presents journalists entering the media workforce with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of religious expression in individual lives and civic life; and to develop skills specific to covering religion, belief, faith, and spirituality.
Five fellowships will be awarded to emerging journalists who have finished graduate journalism programs within the past year. A stipend of $4,000 will be paid to each fellow, with the understanding that Fellows will produce at least 10 web feature stories focusing on the diversity of faith experiences, the intersection of faith and racial equity work or collaboration between people of different faith traditions in the society. All stories will be planned and edited by Religion News Service and will be co-published on the Religion News Service and Interfaith Youth Core websites and carried by RNS’ partner Associated Press (AP).
The IFYC/RNS fellowship will include virtual and in-person sessions with established religion journalists on selecting topics, reporting, sourcing and writing; sessions on where and how to pitch stories, and opportunities to hear from diverse religious and spiritual leaders on what they see as the important stories and trends in religion in America and globally.
The fellowship will begin in September 2021 and continue through May 2022. Participation includes an expenses-paid invitation to the Religion News Association annual conference, which will be held in March of 2022.
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