RIKEN International Scholarships 2021 at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Publish Date: May 31, 2021

Deadline: Jul 30, 2021

Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) launched its International Graduate Program (IGP) admissions in October 2007 as an opportunity for qualified international students, who may have little or no knowledge of the Japanese language, to enroll in master's programs, doctoral programs, and integrated doctoral education programs conducted entirely in English.

With a varied group of academic departments participating in IGP admissions, students should be able to find a department in which to further their research, acquire broader knowledge and understanding, and conduct advanced long-term research in a field that best matches their interests and background.

Intended for those who seek

  • Integrated Doctoral Education (obtain both master's and doctoral degrees within 3-5 years)
  • Consideration for a Japanese government scholarship (MEXT)
  • Participation in a School-organized curricular program
  • September enrollment

IGP(B) Overseas Application

(1) Tokyo Tech – Tsinghua University Joint Graduate Program

Intended for those who seek

  • Double degree (master's or doctoral) from Tokyo Tech and Tsinghua University
  • Nanotechnology Course, Bioscience and Biotechnology, or Decision Science and Technology Course
  • September enrollment

(2) Tokyo Tech –RIKEN International School

Intended for those who seek

  • Doctoral degree program in Nano-materials and Nano-biomaterials
  • Joint supervision by academic supervisors at Tokyo Tech and RIKEN
  • Financial support for up to 3 years provided by RIKEN
  • September enrollment

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

Further Official Information

Link to Original

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