4WARD Graduation Scholarship for International Scholars 2020 - 2021, Eastern Michigan University, USA

Publish Date: Aug 29, 2020

Deadline: Dec 31, 2020

4WARD Graduation Scholarship for International Scholars

At Eastern Michigan University, we are proud to provide our students with a high quality, affordable education. The 4WARD Graduation Scholarship for International Scholars is an exciting opportunity to successfully complete your degree in four years while maintaining financial stability. Combined with a Global Tuition Rate, the 4WARD Graduation Scholarships makes an EMU education even more affordable for international undergraduate students.

You pay for your first two consecutive years of tuition at a locked-in tuition rate of approximately $13,700 per year (30 credits).

Then EMU will pay for 100% of your next two consecutive years of tuition (30 credits a year).

You’ll live in an on-campus community for each of the four years at a locked-in room and board rate of approximately $10,700 a year, which includes a standard double room and a standard meal plan.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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