Advancing Young Scholars and Peacebuilders Careers Project
Protracted conflicts in the Caucasus are characterised by three dynamics: (1) the collective alienation and (self-)isolation of societies which cause shrinking spaces for dialogue over the divide; and (2) the narrow understanding of the complex conflict structures, and the need for new and innovative ideas for peaceful conflict transformation; and (3) lack of young specialists dealing with the issues mentioned above in a professional manner. To develop new ideas and initiatives to generate positive dynamics within the protracted conflicts, the input of young peacebuilders and peace researchers is necessary. However, there are very few higher education opportunities in this field in the Caucasus. Therefore, young peace actors do have limited prospects to fulfil their dreams and to make a positive impact in their societies and beyond. To this end, firstly, the project will strengthen the capacities and skills of the target group through training and knowledge transfer. Secondly, we facilitate knowledge exchange, open dialogue and networking among them and with international experts. Thirdly, we will strengthen the visibility of the participants within the expert community and enable knowledge transfer from the Caucasus into international discourses. In order to achieve the objectives set, the project consists of several measures that build on each other.
Project components:
The one-week workshop on “Protracted Conflicts: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives in the Caucasus” in Berlin, August 10 – 15, 2020 (TBC)
The workshop, which is the heart of the project will bring together 20 young scholars, graduates, advanced students and civil society activists from all over the Caucasus and international experts in the field of conflict studies and peacebuilding. The gathering is a combination of a small conference, training, and regional exchange. During the workshop, the participants can present their research and practical experience on issues related to the topic and receive feedback from their peers and international experts. Furthermore, participants will receive training on vital skills like academic writing, advocacy or scenario-building.
Support for collaborative or individual academic articles or opinion papers of the workshop participants
After the workshop, we offer participants continued training and several mentoring sessions with international scholars and experts to advance their work. Additionally, we will provide language editing for final papers and small publication grants to cover research-related costs.
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This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: