Climate Visuals Grants 2020, Getty Images, USA

Publish Date: Jan 28, 2020

Deadline: Feb 28, 2020

Climate Visuals Grants

At Getty Images, we are committed to evolving the visual narratives that define the global climate crisis in the commercial and editorial space. The need grows more urgent every day for imagery that can effectively communicate the enormity of this issue to media, brands and consumers alike through relatable human stories, large and small, global and local. Together with Climate Visuals, a project that uses social research and evidence to examine the efficacy and impact of climate change imagery, we’ve launched the Getty Images Climate Visuals Grants which aims to support the creation of compelling, colourful and emotionally engaging imagery that explores this complex and layered crisis.

2019 saw media attention to the global climate-change crisis broaden and intensify, from the diverse and devastating impact on communities and the natural world, to the protest movements like Extinction Rebellion and the Youth Climate Strike. In 2020 and beyond, we recognise the need to meet that growing attention with nuanced photojournalism that advances our collective understanding of the issues at stake. Imagery has the power to document events, communicate ideas, trigger emotion, prompt conversation, reveal truths and inspire real change. Professional image-makers need to harness all of these qualities to meet the challenge posed by global climate change.

In partnering together on this new grant series, Getty Images and Climate Visuals wish to elevate the work of photojournalists looking to tell such stories – stories that can educate, promote understanding and drive change, as well as showcase the impacts of, and solutions to, the defining issue of our time.

Prizes and benefits

  • $10,000 prize for two winning applicants to continue to produce their projects


Grants will be awarded by a panel comprising representatives of Climate Visuals, Getty Images and independent judges selected for their expertise and experience. Selection will be based on the judges’ determination of the applicant’s ability to execute the submitted project with a compelling visual narrative based primarily on documentary still images. The jury will take into account the calibre of the portfolio, the project's merit and the photographer’s professional ability. The judges will also be assessing how the submitted projects embody the 7 Climate Visuals Principles for climate change communication.

In accordance with the Climate Visuals evidence base on effective climate imagery, applicants are encouraged to emphasize in their proposals how their projects can advance and diversify our understanding of climate change impacts and solutions, not just causes. Additional consideration will be given to proposals that show sensitivity toward the environmental impact during production, such as by minimizing reliance on air travel.


  • Summary of the project proposal (Min 300 words, Max 500)
  • A short biography detailing who you are and what you’ve done
  • 20-25 original images related to the project or, if proposing a new project, that illustrate your ability to execute the proposal
  • The proposals must be in English and be submitted electronically

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.


This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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