Oxford Summer School 2020 - Public Speaking for the Modern World and Workplace, UK

Publish Date: Sep 16, 2019

Deadline: Dec 31, 2019

Hone your skills in speech-writing and public speaking this summer on this summer Public Speaking course, residential in colleges of the University of Oxford.

Course Summary

During this course, students will become adept at planning speeches and use them to deliver compelling arguments. Students will analyse techniques used in famous speeches throughout history, including right up to the present day.

This course provides a supportive and welcoming environment in which to develop confidence, structure and eloquence when speaking in public. Individuals will become skilled at researching, delivering and defending a speech in front of a range of audience types. Throughout the course, practical development sessions will ensure that students have ample opportunity to test and refine their skills as they go, providing an effective and comprehensive skill set by the end of the programme.

Course Outcomes

By the end of the course, students will have:

  • Explored what makes a speech (and a speaker) riveting to their audience
  • Learned how to handle their public speaking nerves
  • Received a full day of classical voice coaching which will emphasise the importance of language, tone, style and body language
  • Discussed different types of speeches and when they should be used
  • Discovered the importance of planning speeches
  • Given several speeches to their peers, and participated in a debate, to refine their skills
  • A better understanding of how to construct both a persuasive speech and an informative one
  • Learned how to think on their feet

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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