Leibniz Institute of European History Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 2019-2020, Germany

Publish Date: Dec 11, 2018

Deadline: Oct 15, 2019

IEG Fellowships for Postdocs

The IEG awards postdoctoral fellowships to young academics from Germany and abroad who have completed their doctoral dissertations and are pursuing a new research project. This fellowship is intended to help you develop your own research project in close collaboration with scholars working at the IEG. Your contribution consists in bringing your own interests to bear on the work of the IEG and its research programme negotiating difference in Europe. This includes the possibility of developing a perspective for further cooperation with the IEG.

Applicants should have been awarded their doctorate no more than three years before the beginning of the proposed fellowship (non-academic activities are not relevant to the application). The final examination or defence of the dissertation must have been successfully completed by the application deadline. It is not possible to avail of funding for the final phase of doctoral research and continuing into a subsequent postdoctoral project.

Application for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Attachments in the following order:

  1. Completed application form
  2. curriculum vitae; list of publications (if available)
  3. brief description of the proposed project with a detailed working plan and schedule for the in-tended stay at the Institute (5 pages/ 15,000 characters excluding spaces)
  4. digital copy of dissertation
  5. copies of university transcript and proofs of language competence

Please use the IEG application form which can be found under Downloads on the right.
Applications should be submitted by email to: application@ieg-mainz.de

Leibniz Institute of European History
The Directors
Prof. Irene Dingel and Prof. Johannes Paulmann
Re: Fellowship Application

Please combine all of your application documents into a single PDF except for the application form and include a word count at the end of your project description. Please send your application to application@ieg-mainz.de. Letters of recommendation should be submitted directly by the referees. You may write in either English or German; we recommend that you use the language in which you are most proficient. 


The primary academic advisor emails an up-to-date reference directly to the IEG by the application deadline to: fellowship@ieg-mainz.de 

The reference should discuss (please avoid a general letter of recommendation):
- the applicant’s academic qualifications
- topic, goal and current state of the proposed research project
- a synopsis of work to be done in Mainz along with possible time and work schedules

Additionally you need a potential second referee, who will be contacted directly by the IEG. We recommend that you inform the potnetial second referee about your application and a potential letter of reference in advance.

Value of IEG Fellowships for Postdocs

1. Fellowship rates (from 01/01/2015)
The IEG Fellowships are jointly funded by the federal and state governments. The fellowships are exclusively for the purpose of pursuing the research project detailed in the application at the IEG. Fellows are therefore not permitted to pursue or avail of any other form of employment or funding for the duration of the fellowship.

IEG Fellowships for postdocs have a monthly value of € 1,800.

2. Family allowance

Fellowship holders whose partners accompany them to Mainz and do not have income of more than 450 euros per month may receive a family allowance. Please indicate in your application whether your partner accompanies you to Mainz.  

Fellows who come to Mainz accompanied by their underage children can apply for a child allowance.

For more information click ''LINK TO ORIGINAL'' below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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