CfP - 11th International KES Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies, 17-19 June 2019, Malta

Publish Date: Dec 10, 2018

Deadline: Jan 11, 2019

Event Dates: from Jun 17, 2019 12:00 to Jun 19, 2019 12:00

Welcome to IDT-19

The field of Intelligent Decision Technologies is interdisciplinary in nature, bridging computer science with its development of artificial intelligence, information systems with its development of decision support systems, and engineering with its development of systems.

The Intelligent Decisions Technologies conference will consist of keynote talks, oral and poster presentations, invited sessions and workshops, on the applications and theory of intelligent decision systems and related areas. It will provide excellent opportunities for the presentation of interesting new research results and discussion about them, leading to knowledge transfer and generation of new ideas.


The Full Papers conference proceedings will be published by Springer as book chapters in a volume of the KES Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies series, submitted for indexing in Scopus and Thomson-Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) and the Web of Science. (The Short Papers and Abstracts conference proceedings will be published online and will not appear in the Springer volume).

Smart Digital Futures

The conference will take place as part of the Smart Digital Futures 2019 multi-theme conference which groups AMSTA-19, IDT-19, IIMSS-19, InMed-19, SEEL-19 and STS-19 in one venue.

The event will take place on the island of Malta.

Conference Scope

General Topics of Interest

Theoretical and applied papers are of interest. Authors should relate their topic to improving some aspect of decision making. Topics related to intelligent decision making include, but are not limited to, intelligent agents, fuzzy logic, multi-agent systems, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, expert systems, intelligent decision making support systems, information retrieval systems, geographic information systems, knowledge management systems.

IDT Applications

IDTs have the potential to support decision making in many areas including management, international business, finance, accounting, marketing, healthcare, medical and diagnostic systems, military decisions, production and operation, networks, traffic management, crisis response, human-machine interfaces, financial and stock market monitoring and prediction, robotics.

Emergent Intelligent Decision Technologies

Virtual decision environments, social networking, 3D human-machine interfaces, cognitive interfaces, collaborative systems, intelligent web mining, e-commerce, e-learning, e-business, bioinformatics, evolvable systems, virtual humans, designer drugs.

Conference Sessions

The General Track

Papers on any subject within the scope of the conference may be submitted to the General Track. These papers will be reviewed by knowledgeable referees, and if accepted, allocated to oral or poster sessions for presentation at the conference. Authors may submit to the General Track, or to an Invited Session if their paper fits the scope of the session. 

Invited Sessions

Invited Sessions are organised and chaired by senior researchers who have knowledge of, and a special interest in, the topic of the session. 

We invite researchers into emerging topics and new areas of investigation within the scope of the symposium to organise invited sessions, or parallel workshops of a half or full day, gathering a minimum of six papers from a wide range of research expertise from around the world. 

Organisers of Invited Sessions undertake to:

  • Select a topic of interest to themselves and to conference delegates;
  • Obtain papers on this topic, normally a minimum of 6 for an invited session, but often more. If there are sufficient papers, the session may become a workshop.
  • Ensure the papers are submitted through the PROSE online review system;
  • Manage the review process for these papers using PROSE;
  • Provide suitable reviewers for the reviews of the papers and enter these on the PROSE system;
  • Ensure the final versions of the papers are uploaded before the deadline;
  • Attend the conference and chair the session.

Call for Invited Sessions

Researchers who would like to organise one or more Invited Sessions on topics falling within the scope of the conference are invited to submit a proposal for consideration. This should include: 

  • The title of the session;
  • A paragraph describing the theme of the session - all invited sessions must be within the scope of the symposium;
  • A short-form CV for the proposed Invited Session Chair(s).
  • Contact details for the Chair(s).

If accepted, the Invited Session Chair will be asked to provide the URL of a web page containing the Invited Session Call for Papers (CFP). The Invited Session details and the link to the web page CFP will be placed on the table of Invited Sessions (a link to this is available on this page). Alternatively, the information can be made available as a PDF document. 

Invited Session Chairs are ex-officio members of the International Programme Committee. We thank them for the valuable contribution they make to the conference.

Invited Sessions Chairs Registration

Where an invited session attracts 5 or more paid registrations (excluding that of the IS chair themself), if all 5 authors plus the IS chair attend the conference and present at the session, the IS chair may claim free registration at the next conference during the subsequent year. For example, a chair who gets 5 paid registrations at the SDM18 conference can claim free registration at the SDM19 conference.

Information for Authors

Call for Papers

Papers are invited for the conference on topics lying within the scope of the conference. All contributions must be of high quality, original, should not have been published elsewhere and should not be intended for publication elsewhere during the review period or time of the conference.

To ensure high quality, all papers will be thoroughly reviewed by the conference Programme Committee. Papers may be rejected without being sent to the reviewers if they do not comply with the required format, length or if they do not lie within the scope of the conference.

Conference Proceedings

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer as book chapters in a volume of the KES Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies series, submitted for indexing inScopus and Thomson_Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) and the Web of Science.

Proceedings Papers

Papers submitted for the conference proceedings must be formatted according to the instructions which can be found on the Springer website .. here .. under "Instructions for Authors".

All Papers should comply with a guide length of 10 pages in publisher format. Papers longer than this will be subject to an additional charge for each extra page.

Submissions must be in PDF format for review purposes, but authors are required to upload editable word-processor files (LaTeX or MS Word) at the end of the review process.

Abstracts and Late Papers

Authors may choose to submit just an abstract of 1-2 pages and make a presentation of their work, but without providing a full or short paper.

Full or short papers submitted too late to be included in the Springer proceedings may also be published under this category.

Abstracts and late papers will be published in the online journal 'Advances in Smart Systems Research (ISSN:2050-8662)', but they will NOT be included in the Springer Proceedings.

Submission Conditions

All submissions must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee. Authors who submit multiple papers will be required to pay a separate fee for each.

By submitting a paper for the conference you undertake that you will attend the conference, pay the fee and present the paper if it is accepted. By submitting a paper you also indicate that you accept the KES Terms and Conditions, available by request or on the conference web site, and that you agree to abide by them.

Review Result

You paper will be sent to two expert referees for review. After the paper has been reviewed the result may be:-
1. Accepted Subject to Change - You must revise the paper and upload a new PDF version of the paper. When this has been accepted you will be asked for the publication files.

2. Accepted Awaiting Publication Files - Your paper has been accepted without the need for changes. You now need to upload the publication files.

3. Rejected - You paper is unsuitable for the conference.

The Publication Files

When the PDF copy of the paper has been accepted you will receive an email asking for the publication files. At this point, you must upload the following files, named according to the instructions in the email:- 

-- A full set of word-processor files for the camera-ready paper, in MS Word or LaTeX, including all image files necessary to fully reproduce it 
-- A PDF copy made from these source files, with all comments removed.
-- A scanned completed copy of the Springer 'Consent to Publish' form.

If the status of your paper is 'Accepted Awaiting Publication Files' it indicates that you have not finished uploading the publication files.

If the status of your paper is 'Accepted Publication Files Received' this indicates that you have uploaded the publication files.

When (and only when) you have uploaded a full set of publication files, and the status of your paper is 
'Accepted Publication Files Received'
you are finished!

You must upload a full set of publication files and ensure the status of your paper is 'Accepted Publication Files Received' before the deadline, or your paper will not be included in the proceedings.

Important Dates & Deadlines

General Track Papers

  • Submission of Papers: 11 January 2019
  • Notification of Acceptance: 8 February 2019
  • Upload Final Publication Files: 8 March 2019

Invited Session and Workshops

Proposals deadline for Invited Sessions/Workshops: 31 January 2019

  • Submission of Papers: Session Chair Sets Deadlines - see individual template
  • Notification of Acceptance: Session Chair Sets Deadlines - see individual template
  • Upload of Final Publication Files: 8 March 2019

Authors Registration Deadline

Authors must have registered by this date and we must have received full payment or their papers will not be included in the Springer proceedings.

Date: 8 March 2019

Early Registration

Early registration ends and fees increase after this date

  • Early Registration Deadline: 8 March 2019

Late Papers and Abstracts (Not Springer Proceedings Papers)


  • Submission of Papers: 13 April 2019
  • Notification of Acceptance: 27 April 2019
  • Upload of Final Publication Files: 14 June 2019

Authors Registration Deadline

Authors must have registered by this date and we must have received full payment or their papers will not be included in the conference programme.

  • Authors Registration Date: 4 May 2019


  • Conference Sessions: 17, 18, 19 June 2019

  • Conference Gala Dinner: Evening of 18 June 2019

  • Social Trip: Evening of 17 June 2019

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