Research Grant Program 2018, Tokyo, Japan

Publish Date: Jun 15, 2018

Deadline: Aug 03, 2018

A grant opportunity "Exploring New Values for Society".

About the Toyota Foundation

The Toyota Foundation is a grant-making foundation whose goal is to contribute toward the realization of a more people-oriented society and a resulting increase in human happiness. We provide grants in support of research and operations in order to identify a diverse array of social issues, with a focus on areas of human and natural environment, social welfare, and education and culture. From the outset, the Toyota Foundation has provided grants with an eye to supporting projects based on foresight, a participatory orientation, and an international perspective. The Toyota Foundation Research Grant Program 2018 (Main Topic) “Exploring New Values for Society” Project Proposal Guidelines Public Notification Period: Monday, June 4 to Friday, August 3, 2018 Proposal Submission Period: Monday, July 23 to Friday, August 3, 2018 (until 3:00 p.m. Japan Standard Time)

I. Program Objective

The Toyota Foundation Research Grant Program supports research projects in accordance with its program title, “Exploring New Values for Society”. The objective of the program is to encourage ambitious researchers who seek new values for society by fundamentally exploring basic ways of thinking and methodologies on what approach we should take to address difficult issues to be faced in the future. Living as we do in an era of historical change, we are facing a complex array of social problems. The various issues that need to be addressed include those that are on a global scale and those that transcend generations, as well as nascent problems that will only fully manifest themselves in the future. This means that it will be difficult to find clues and solutions that help to bring about a new society on the basis of existing values or compartmentalized expertise. Rather, in seeking to clarify what values we should pursue and how such values can be created, it is necessary to fundamentally reevaluate our way of thinking and the state of society from a wider perspective that adopts a panoramic view of the world and looks decades into the future. Taking into consideration the existing values, we need to stand outside them to build new viewpoints that can be shared with others. In this way, we can erect the signposts that will guide us to perspectives on a broader world and the future we have yet to perceive. The program provides grants to research projects run by ambitious researchers who seek new values for society based on the above understandings. It places no restrictions on the areas of research or the methods employed. We expect the projects we fund to be founded on creative concepts that reflect a youthful perspective and draw closer to new values for society, disseminating their findings effectively in many directions and springing up a range of lively discussions


Project representatives for whom grants are awarded must be 45 years old or under on the day of the beginning of the grant. No limitations are placed with regard to the nationality or place of residence of the project representative or participants; nor is there any restriction with regard to the candidate’s affiliation (or lack thereof) with a university, research institute, NPO/NGO, or other organization. Grant uses: Grants received may not be used to pay the personnel or living expenses of the project representative or participants. (It is possible for grants to be used for remuneration of outside specialists providing advice or lectures and for those engaged in assisting project work.)

 Grant Period and Grant Amount

⚫ Grant Period Grant period: May 1, 2019, to April 30, 2021 (2 years)

⚫ Grant Amount Grant amount: Maximum 8 million yen* * Up to 1.5 million yen for project teams of two persons or less (Total allocated grant amount: 60 million yen)

Appropriateness of the requested grant amount and the planned project budget for the proposed research will also be considered under the process of selection. There is a possibility that, even for projects that do receive grants, as a result of the selection process, the actual grant amount will be reduced compared to the proposed amount and the submitted budget plan will have to be revised.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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