Wenner-Gren Foundation: Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships 2018
Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships support the writing-up of already completed research. The fellowship is awarded to scholars in the earlier stages of their careers when they frequently lack the time and resources to develop their research for publication. Scholars with a Ph.D. in hand for no more than ten years (from the application deadline) are eligible to apply. A maximum of eight Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded annually.
By providing funds for scholars to devote themselves full-time to writing, the Foundation aims to enable a new generation of scholars to publish significant works that will impact the development of anthropology. The program contributes to the Foundation's overall mission to support basic research in anthropology and to ensure that the discipline continues to be a source of vibrant and significant work that furthers our understanding of humanity's cultural and biological origins, development, and variation. The Foundation supports research that demonstrates a clear link to anthropological theory and debates and promises to make a solid contribution to advancing these ideas. There is no preference for any methodology, research location, or subfield. The Foundation particularly welcomes proposals that employ a comparative perspective, can generate innovative approaches or ideas, and/or integrate two or more subfields.
Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships are nonrenewable and provide US $40,000 of financial support for twelve months of continuous full-time writing. Applicants requesting shorter time periods will receive a pro-rated award as appropriate (e.g., a six-month project would be awarded $20,000). It is Foundation policy that Institutional Overhead or Institutional Support is not covered under this fellowship. Applicants can apply regardless of institutional affiliation, country of residence, or nationality. Final decisions are made six months after the application deadline.
Applicants must submit their applications using the Foundation's online application submission procedure as well as send printed copies to the Foundation by regular mail.
- Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent at the time of application.
- Applicants must have received a Ph.D. or equivalent within ten years of the application deadline.
- Qualified scholars are eligible without regard to nationality, institutional, or departmental affiliation although preference is given to applicants who are untenured or do not yet have a permanent academic position.
- The Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship is to support a continuous period of full-time academic writing. The research that forms the basis of the writing project is expected to be completed at the time of application. In special circumstances and with prior approval of the Foundation, recipients may use part of their stipend for a minor research component if necessary to complete their proposed publication/s. No research funds in addition to the basic stipend are available as part of the Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship.
- The fellowship may be used to support the preparation of a book or monograph manuscript, journal articles, book chapters, or a combination of these forms of publication.
- The Foundation cannot accept an application from a prior grantee unless all requirements of a previous grant have been completed. Please contact the Foundation for more information if this situation applies.
- Prior recipients of Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships are not eligible to apply for a second fellowship for a different writing project.
- Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship applications that were unsuccessful in a prior funding cycle may be resubmitted only twice. A resubmission statement explaining how the application is different from the prior application and how the referees' comments have been addressed must accompany resubmitted applications.
- If a fellowship is awarded, the applicant must agree to comply with the Requirements and Conditions of the Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship.
General Criteria for Evaluation
- As with all Wenner-Gren awards, the main criteria of evaluation are the quality of the research and its potential contribution to anthropological knowledge, theory, and debate.
- There is no preference for particular geographic areas or topics.
- The writing project or projects that form the basis of a Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship application should be based on well-defined research questions. It is important to demonstrate that the research that forms the basis of the writing project/s is appropriate to answer the research questions that are posed. It is also important to demonstrate the significance of the research to important theoretical and methodological issues in anthropology.
- The Foundation pays particular attention to the feasibility of the writing project. It is important to have realistic goals in relation to the amount of writing that the applicant will be able to achieve within the time period of the fellowship.
- Priority is given to those applicants that at the time of application have a book contract in hand, have been in contact with publishers or have detailed writing plans (e.g., developed book, monograph, or article outlines), and show evidence of these in their application.
- The Foundation is interested in funding proposals where there is a reasonable probability that the published outcome will have a significant and broad-ranging effect on the field of anthropology. It is important to make such a case for the work. Proposals with a narrow regional or topical focus are normally not competitive.
- Writing projects whose primary objective is to “fill in” knowledge about a culture, a region, a language, a site, or a primate species will not be competitive unless a further case can be made for the importance of their data to broader issues in anthropology.
- Those applicants with applied anthropological objectives should emphasize the theoretical and methodological impact of their research for the discipline as opposed to its applied value only.
- Applicants whose research focuses on primatology should ensure that their application emphasizes the specific ways in which their research relates to humanity's cultural and/or biological origins, development, and/or modern variation. The Foundation does not fund basic research in primatology or research that is primarily oriented towards primate conservation.
- Linguistic anthropologists should also be aware that the Foundation does not fund salvage work on endangered languages (e.g., preparation of dictionaries and/or grammars). It also does not fund other descriptive research on languages or work on language structure that is not grounded in anthropological concerns.
Application Procedures
- The Wenner-Gren Foundation receives over 100 Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship applications each year and normally awards eight annually. Given this degree of competition, the Foundation advises applicants to follow closely all the procedures for completing the application.
- Applications must be submitted on the most recent official application form. Application forms and guidelines for completing these forms are available three months before each application deadline.
- The Foundation operates an online application submission procedure. All application forms and other required application materials must be submitted online. If it is not possible to submit the application online because of inadequate internet access in the particular country of origin, the applicant must notify the Foundation at least one week before the deadline to arrange to submit an application by conventional mail: (applications@wennergren.org).
- In addition to the online submission, one printed copy of the application form and required attachments, PLUS four (4) printed copies of the application form only, must be sent to the Foundation. This material must be postmarked by the application deadline (and received by the Foundation no later than two weeks after the deadline) or the application will not be reviewed.
- Applications are available 3 months before the application deadline.
- Applications must be in English.
- The Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship application asks for the following categories of information:
- General information about the applicant and the project
- An Abstract of the writing project. If the application is successful, this abstract will appear on the Foundation's website. Please make sure the abstract is written in a style that is clearly understandable to a non-specialist
- The answers to four project description questions. Applicants are advised to read the questions and instructions carefully as they develop their answers
- A resubmission statement if the current application is a resubmission of a previously declined application.
- A bibliography relevant to the proposed project
- A curriculum vitae
- Please note that copies of research permits and permissions are not required at the application stage. If an application is successful, the Foundation will request copies of the relevant permits at that time. Grant funds will not be released to a grantee until the Foundation has received copies of all relevant permits. For Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships, this permit requirement applies only to proposals containing a research component. For more information on how to list the permits click here.
- Before submitting the fellowship application, please read the information on US tax issues applicable to all grantees.
- Non-US citizens should read the information on US visa requirements for Non-US citizens who are present or coming to the United States as part of their research project.
- Successful applicants are required to comply with all US laws. This includes, but is not limited to, regulations governed by the US Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). OFAC administers US Government sanction programs and regulations pertaining to the Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN List). Please consult the US Department Treasury website for more information on US Government sanction programs and the SDN List at www.ustreas.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac
Special documentation is required for research projects located in the following countries where US Government sanctions are in place: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Crimea (including Sevastopol). This documentation is not required at the stage of application but must be submitted to the Foundation before grant funds are disbursed to successful applicants. - Do not send any other material, such as letters of recommendation, computer disks, manuscripts, publications, photographs, or recordings to the Foundation in support of your application. This material will not be used in the review process and cannot be returned.
Application Deadlines and Decision Notification
- Final decisions are made six months later after the deadline. Funding will be available starting in January of the following year, and the start date of the Fellowship can be anytime during that year.
- Applications must be submitted using the Foundation's online application submission procedure by midnight (Eastern Standard Time) on the day of the deadline. In addition, five printed copies of the complete application must be postmarked by the application deadline and received by the Foundation no later than two weeks after the deadline or the application will not be reviewed. If it is not possible to submit the application online because of inadequate internet access in the country of one's origin, the applicant must notify the Foundation at least one week before the deadline (applications@wennergren.org) to arrange to submit an application by conventional mail. Please note: application materials e-mailed or faxed to the Foundation will not be accepted.
- The Foundation operates a two-stage decision-making process:
- Stage One: Applications are screened against the General Criteria for Evaluation. All applicants will be notified as to whether or not they are successful at this stage. If the participant have not heard from the Foundation by August 1, please contact the Foundation for information on the progress of your application.
- Stage Two: Successful applications are sent to an external panel for academic review. All applicants will be notified regarding their applications by the end of October. Again, contact us if the participant have not received an e-mail notification by these dates.
Final Reports Required from Hunt Postdoctoral Fellows
Upon conclusion of the research phase funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the following reports must be submitted. It is not necessary to have completed the entire research project. Reports should be e-mailed as attachments to Programs Assistant, Mark Ropelewski. The grantee will be notified when the grant is complete. If a notification of completion is not received, the grantee should contact the Foundation to check on the status. Please be sure to update all contact information (mailing address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, etc.) when the final reports are sent. Please note: all reports must be submitted in file formats compatible with Microsoft Word or Excel 2003. Reports should be prepared using an 11-point font and one-inch margins. In case of any questions regarding these reports, please contact the Foundation.
- Final report: the final report should be a maximum of 1500 words, or three pages, and should summarize the academic content of the writing that has been accomplished and the stage of the work in the publication process. If the work has already been published, please give full bibliographic details and forward copies to the Foundation by mail. Participants name, address, and fellowship number must appear on the first page of the final report
- Abstract: the abstract or summary of the final report will be posted on the Foundation's website. It should be no longer than 200 words and be written in a style that is clearly understandable to a non-specialist. The abstract should not be written in the first person; it should summarize the academic content of the writing undertaken under the fellowship and provide bibliographic details if the work has already been published.
These reports must be submitted to the Foundation upon completion of the fellowship period supported by Wenner-Gren. If sufficient cause for delay is not demonstrated, the fellowship will be designated “Closed-Incomplete”, and the Fellow will become ineligible for further support from the Wenner-Gren Foundation.
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This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: