ABN Clinical Research Training Fellowship
We are pleased to confirm that the 2018 ABN Clinical Research Training Fellowship is now open for 3-year clinical research training fellowships in neurological disciplines resulting in a PhD.
As in previous years the Association of British Neurologists’ fellowships scheme welcomes applications from all neurology sub specialities for fellowships awarded by the ABN and its funding partners, including the Guarantors of Brain, the Patrick Berthoud Charitable Trust and the Dunhill Medical Trust.
This year we are also offering a clinical research training fellowship in stroke with funding kindly provided by the Stroke Association and the Sobell Foundation, open to both neurologists and other physicians interested in stroke, which will address an aspect of the causes, prevention and/or treatment of Stroke.
Applicants for the fellowships will either already hold a UK or Irish specialist training post in Neurology (or in the case of the stroke fellowship other appropriate medical speciality), or be planning to enter Neurology specialist training (or in the case of the stroke fellowship other appropriate medical speciality) after completion of a PhD. Salary will be funded. A maximum amount of £10,000 per annum will also be awarded as a contribution to PhD fees, reasonable travel costs and consumables. We will not fund salary where the applicant already has secure salary funding for a 3 year period.
Please click on the following links to view the terms and conditions relating to fellowships awarded by the ABN.
Closing date: 23:59, 19 November 2017
Interviews for shortlisted candidates: 14 March 2018
Funding decision: to be confirmed
About the Fellowship
The ABN has assisted charities since 2009 in organising clinical research training fellowships, awarded to trainees who want to study an aspect of clinical neuroscience in depth for three or four years and obtain an MD or PhD degree. The first cycle of fellowships is now drawing to a close.
In 2014 the ABN launched its own Clinical Research Training Fellowship fund. We have been encouraged by the understanding and commitment to the fellowship fund demonstrated by our members and by other friends of the fellowship. In May 2015 members voted to include a voluntary donation to the Fellowhip fund as part of theirr annual subscription. We are grateful for the generous donations already received and, with others promised, we have a good base upon which to build a successful
Five fellows were appointed in 2015 and In 2016 the fellowship scheme was able to offer 4 new fellowships, one funded by the ABN, one by the Guarantors of Brain and two by the Patrick Berthoud Charitable Trust.
The 2017 fellowship attracted 21 applicants and interviews took place in March 2017. Three ABN fellowships were awarded for 2017 supported by the Multiple System Atrophy Trust, the Guarantors of Brain and the Patrick Berthoud Charitable Trust.
Contributing to the ABN Clinical Research Training Fellowship Fund
Members interested in supporting the fellowship may be interested to know of our JustGIving account which can be used to collect sponsorship funds for all the keen cyclists, marathon runnners, extreme sports enthusiasts among our membership. Online shoppers may find the Easyfundraising connection more relevant EasyFundraising links to a wide range of websites which offer a percentage of every sale to nominated charities, now including the ABN.
For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: