Bridge Grants 2017, Young Researchers Network on Complex Systems

Publish Date: Mar 02, 2017

Deadline: Mar 05, 2017


  1. To be eligible the recipients of the bursary, called visiting and receiving candidates,  should be young researchers, as defined by the YRNCS rules, and members of the Complex Systems Society;

  2. The scientific project to be pursued should not align with the main research lines of the two candidates (PhD topic in the case of PhD students, or group’s research line in the case of postdocs);

  3. An invitation letter for the visiting candidate by the host group’s PI is required;

  4. The application itself consists in a short video-presentation (max 5 mins) produced by the candidates where the preliminary results of the project are described together with a road-map of the future work. While we are not interested in the technical level of the video, the candidates should consider this presentation as the pitch of their project and should therefore ensure that it contains all the relevant information for a correct assessment of the value of the project;

  5. The candidates will be required to produce a report of the research performed during the visit;

  6. The applications will be reviewed by senior researchers belonging to the CSS Council and the results will be made known via the YRNCS website and media outlets;


The idea of the mobility grants is to provide partial support for short visits, so we envision funding up to 500 euros for within-continent visits and up to 1000 euros for visits between different continents.
YRNCS will generally open a single call per year at the beginning of the solar year.
The funds awarded will have to be used within the same solar year.
YRNCS guarantees short response time after the application deadline.

2017 DEADLINE: March 5th, 2017


Submit your application by sending an email, containing the required material, to


In a first level, the applications are going to be rated by a number of Referees, who are members of the CSS Council. The important points to be considered are:

  1. How much does the project differ from current work of the visiting and hosting candidates? (0-5)

  2. How interdisciplinary is the project? (0-5)

  3. How novel is the addressed topic/problem? (0-5)

  4. How innovative/creative is the approach taken by the candidates? (0-5)

  5. Is the project feasible given the candidates’ skills and expertise? (0-5)

The final selection is going to be made by the YRNCS Advisory Board.

For more information click "Further official information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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