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Summer School - Research design for Experimental Linguists - Uil OTS, 19-23 August 2019, Netherlands

Publish Date: Jan 09, 2019

Deadline: Jul 31, 2019

Event Dates: from Aug 19, 2019 12:00 to Aug 23, 2019 12:00

Research design for Experimental Linguists - Uil OTS

This course is essential for experimental linguists. In this course you will learn about important aspects of a quantitative study design (research methodology), the basics of statistical (hypothesis) testing, and how methodology and statistics relate to each other. This discussion-based course will teach you to make funded decisions throughout the research process, and consequently conduct better research with valid and reliable outcomes.

The focus of this course is mainly on research methodology, which is the foundation of a scientific study. This starts with a research question. Formulating a research question and other important steps in the research process will be discussed and practiced in interactive (group) exercises. Next to methodological issues, statistical concepts like probability, hypothesis testing and power will be discussed. Last but not least, some basic statistical tests will be discussed. On the last day everything is put together in a class exercise.

Course director

Kirsten Schutter, MSc

Course aim

Learn to make funded decisions throughout a quantitative research process

Study load

Daily 2 1/2 hour session; max one hour homework per day.


Course fee

€ 200.00

Housing fee

€ 200.00

Housing through Utrecht Summer School

Discount of €50 if combined with at least one more Linguistics course whose title includes mention of UiL OTS and for which the full amount is paid.

If this is the 2nd week you are using Utrecht Summerschool housing, the housing fee is €150.


A motivation letter is required from non-EU residents. You can send it via email to the course director.

More information

Kirsten Schutter T: +31 (0)30 253 6060 E: k.schutter@uu.nl

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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