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Shuffrey Junior Research Fellowship in Architectural History 2018, Lincoln College, Oxford, UK

Publish Date: Jul 12, 2018

Deadline: Jul 16, 2018

Shuffrey Junior Research Fellowship In Architectural History

The Governing Body of Lincoln College invites applications for the Shuffrey Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Architectural History, tenable for a fixed term of four years from 1st September 2018. The successful candidate will be expected to undertake a programme of research in any area of architectural history from AD 600 to the present time.

The Shuffrey Junior Research Fellow will be expected to undertake an approved programme of research, to provide up to four hours per week of undergraduate tuition for the College, and to promote the study of architectural history through the organisation of seminars or lectures. The Fellowship carries a stipend of £24,983 p.a. in the first year, rising by annual increments to £27,285 p.a. in the fourth and final year. In addition, the Fellow will receive full common room rights, research and hospitality allowances, and membership of the USS pension scheme. College accommodation, suitable for a single person, may be provided at a modest rent, subject to availability.

Applicants should have been awarded a doctoral degree in an appropriate field not earlier than 1st September 2014, or will have submitted their doctoral thesis for examination before September 1st 2018, and will have a developing public profile within their field of scholarship. Candidates should not have held a stipendiary Junior Research Fellowship at another College.

Lincoln College

Lincoln is one of the oldest Oxford Colleges, housed in fine historic buildings located in the centre of the City of Oxford.  It has a strong sense of collegiality with a reputation for integrating its graduate and undergraduate students in a highly successful traditional community. There are currently 36 permanent, and 17 fixed-term, Fellows of whom 28 are also College Tutors responsible for teaching and the welfare of students. About 90 undergraduates and 120 graduates are admitted to Lincoln each year covering a wide range of disciplines, and around 600 students are in residence at any one time.


The Shuffrey Junior Research Fellow willbe expected to undertake an approved programme of research and will have access to College research funds to assist their work.The Fellow will be associated with the History and History of Art subject groups in the College and will find common ground with the members of the Classical Archaeology and Ancient History subject group.

The Fellow will be encouraged to participate in the wider Oxford research community in Oxford, as well as within College, and will also be expected to promote the study of architectural history, particularly through organising the Oxford Architectural History Research Seminar, which meets regularly at Lincoln College.


The Fellow will be expected to provide up to four hours of teaching per week for the College, averaged over the 24 weeks of the academic year. Payment for such teaching will be at the standard rates recommended by the Senior Tutors’ Committee. It is likely that the Fellows will be able to contribute tutorials to a number of papers on the History and History of Art syllabuses, including supervision of undergraduate theses. Lincoln College admits up to twelve undergraduates to read History and, from October 2019, will admit two students per year to read History of Art. 

Junior Research Fellows who hold a doctoral degree may also be invited to act as an advisor, but not as a supervisor, for any graduate students in College reading for higher degrees in appropriate subjects. Additional payment will be made for this.

The Fellow will be expected to be available in Oxford during full term but may, with permission, be absent from Oxford for short periods during term in order to conduct necessary research.

Opportunities to participate in Faculty teaching might become available from time to time and, with the College’s permission, may be taken up, provided that such work would not encroach upon the Fellow’s research or College teaching. Payment for Faculty teaching would be made directly by the Faculty.

Selection Criteria

Junior Research Fellowships are intended to provide career development opportunities for academics in the early stages of their careers. These posts support early-career scholars by supporting the completion of a significant research project and enabling the postholders to develop their experience and skills as a teacher. It is an essential feature of such Fellowships that they are limited in their duration, in order to provide a succession of career development posts.

The successful applicant for the Shuffrey Junior Research Fellowship in Architectural History will have an excellent educational record; will already hold a doctoral degree in an appropriate field, awarded no earlier than September 1st 2014, or will have submitted their thesis by September 1st 2018;will have a coherent research plan for the four years of the Fellowship;  will show evidence of developing a public profile within their field of scholarship, as evidenced by publications, or will have promise of such achievement; will have the ability to communicate effectively with fellow scholars and with students.

Applicants should not have held a stipendiary Junior Research Fellowship or similar career-development post at another College.

Stipend and Allowances

The Fellowship carries a stipend of £24,983 p.a. in the first year, rising by annual increments to £27,285 p.a. in the fourth and final year. The Fellow is entitled to full common room rights, including free lunch and dinner when the kitchens are open, and will receive a hospitality credit, presently up to £509, for the entertainment of students, visiting speakers and other professional guests. The Fellow will be entitled to draw upon on the College Research Fund up to a current maximum of £1,817 p.a. and will be eligible to submit bids to other research funds operated by the College. The Fellow will be enrolled automatically in the Universities pension scheme (USS) but will have the right to opt out.Single-person accommodation in College may be offered, subject to availability, at a modest rent.

Holding outside appointments

This is a full time post. The holder is required to seek the permission of the College before accepting any external appointments.

Tenure and Probation

The appointment will be subject to satisfactory completion of a medical questionnaire, and provision of proof of right to work in the UK.

Under the College Statutes, elections to Fellowships are for a probationary year in the first instance, and a probationary review covering all aspects of the postholder’s duties will take place at this point.Thereafter, the appointment will be tenable for a further three years and will not be renewable.

Right to Work in the UK

Applicants who would need a work visa if appointed to the post are asked to note that under the UK’s points-based migration system they will need to demonstrate that they have sufficient points, and in particular that:

(i) they have sufficient English language skills (evidenced by having passed a test in English, or coming from a majority English-speaking country, or having taken a degree taught in English); and

(ii) they have sufficient funds to maintain themselves and any dependents until they receive their first salary payment. 

Special arrangements

Oxford welcomes applications from candidates who have a disability. These documents will be made available in large print, audio or other formats on request. Applicants invited for interview will be asked whether they require any particular arrangements to make the interview more convenient and effective for them.

Academic Staff Development

A mentor will be appointed from within the Governing Body of the College to support and advise the Fellow during his/her tenure. Newly appointed Fellows are also expected to attend the introductory programme organised by the University in late September each year. Further opportunities in research and teaching development will be made available to early career scholars during the tenure of their Fellowship.

Equal Opportunities

The policy and practice of Lincoln College require that entry into employment within the College and progression within employment be determined only by personal merit and the application of criteria that are related to the duties of each particular post and the relevant salary structure.  Subject to statutory provisions, no applicant or member of staff will be treated less favourably than another because of his or her age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.  In all cases, ability to carry out the required duties of the post will be the primary consideration. 

All applicants will be asked to complete a recruitment monitoring form, which will play no part in the selection process, and will not be seen by any member of the selection panel. 

How to apply

Applicants are asked to submit the following items by email to

  • a completed application form
  • a covering letter
  • a curriculum vitae
  • a four -year research plan


  • by a separate email, one copy of a piece of published or unpublished written work equivalent in length to a chapter or article .

If it is necessary to send application materials by post please send these to the HR Administrator, Lincoln College, Turl Street, Oxford, OX1 3DR. It is the candidates responsibility to ensure that materials are posted in good time to arrive by the deadline.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 12.00 midday on July 16th2018

Candidates are asked to request three referees to send confidential references direct to the Mr Shaun Todd, HR Administrator at the above email address, to arrive no later than the deadline given above. Candidates should supply their referees with a copy of these further particulars. References may be sent by e-mail, provided they are sent from the referee’s institutional e-mail address. Lincoln College wishes to take this opportunity to thank in advance those referees who write on behalf of applicants.


For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL"  below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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