University of Los Andes Online Course - Gabriel García Márquez: Power, History and Love

Publish Date: May 26, 2016

Gabriel García Márquez: Power, History and Love

In this course you will be able to identify Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez’s narrative contributions to world literature through the study of three of the author’s obsessions: power, history and love.

You will have the opportunity to enjoy reading the following works: The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Eréndira and Her Heartless Grandmother (1972), The Autumn of the Patriarch (1975), Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1981), Love in the Time of Cholera (1985), The General in his Labyrinth (1989) and Of Love and Other Demons (1994).

Reading these works chronologically will allow you to appreciate how the author’s literary production evolves.

You will explore the characteristics of “the dictator novel”, reaching a clear understanding of the particularities of the new historical novel. You will also reflect upon the relationship between history and fiction and understand the author’s literary influences.

Understand the appeal of Gabriel García Márquez

Finally, by entering García Marquez’s narrative universe, you will be seduced by the richness of its language and will come to know and understand the reasons why this writer is considered one of the literary geniuses of all time.

This course will allow you to:

  1. Reach higher appreciation of Gabriel García Marquez’ work
  2. Comprehend how his literary production evolved over time
  3. Acquire the ability to establish relationships between his literary works
  4. Learn to identify and recognize the principal traits that characterize his work

This course is also running in Spanish, starting 30 May 2016. To find out more and enrol, visit the course page.

Este curso también estará disponible en Español a partir del 30 de Mayo del 2016. Para mayor información y para inscribirte por favor visita la página del curso.


This course is designed for people who enjoy reading literature. No previous knowledge of the subject matter is required.

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