About the awards
The Princess of Asturias Awards are aimed at rewarding the scientific, technical, cultural, social and humanitarian work carried out at an international level by individuals, institutions or groups of individuals or institutions and are granted in eight different categories: the Arts, Literature, Social Sciences, Communication and Humanities, Technical and Scientific Research, International Cooperation, Sports and Concord.
Nominees in each of the categories that the Awards encompass should be truly exemplary and their work or contribution should be of acknowledged standing.
The purpose of these regulations is to set out the principles governing nominations and the general rules regarding the convening and working of the eight juries responsible for bestowing the Princess of Asturias Awards in the 2017 call for nominations.
The awards will be granted in the following eight categories:
- Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts: to the individual, institution, group of individuals or institutions whose work constitutes an outstanding contribution to progress and social well-being at an international level via the promotion and advancement of filmmaking, theatre, dance, music, photography, painting, sculpture, architecture or any other form of artistic expression.
- Princess of Asturias Award for Literature: to the individual, institution, group of individuals or institutions whose creative work constitutes an outstanding contribution to progress and social well-being at an international level via the promotion and advancement of literary creation in all its genres.
- Princess of Asturias Award for Social Sciences: to the individual, institution, group of individuals or institutions whose creative work and/or research constitutes an outstanding contribution to progress and social well-being at an international level via the promotion and advancement of knowledge in the fields of history, law, linguistics, teaching, political science, psychology, sociology, ethics, philosophy, geography, economics, demography or anthropology, including the disciplines corresponding to each of these fields.
- Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities: to the individual, institution, group of individuals or institutions whose work constitutes an outstanding contribution to progress and social well-being at an international level via the promotion and advancement of the sciences and disciplines comprising the humanities as a whole or in any activity related to mass and social media.
- Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research: to the individual, institution, group of individuals or institutions whose research, discoveries and/or inventions constitute an outstanding contribution at an international level to progress and social well-being via the promotion and advancement of mathematics, astronomy and astrophysics, physics, chemistry, life sciences, medical sciences, earth and space sciences or technological sciences, including those disciplines corresponding to each of these fields and their related technologies.
- Princess of Asturias Award for International Cooperation: to the individual, institution, group of individuals or institutions whose work together with another or others constitutes an outstanding contribution at an international level to the development and fostering of public health, universal education, the protection and defence of the environment or social and economic development.
- Princess of Asturias Award for Sports: to the individual, institution, group of individuals or institutions whose work constitutes an outstanding contribution at an international level to the fostering, development and advancement of sport and whose actions in the sphere of solidarity and social commitment constitute an example of the possibilities the practice of sport provides for the benefit of human beings.
- Princess of Asturias Award for Concord: to the individual, institution, group of individuals or institutions whose work constitutes an outstanding contribution at an international level to the defence and universality of human rights, the fostering and protection of peace, freedom, solidarity or world heritage or, in general, to the progress of humanity.
- Each Princess of Asturias Award comprises a Joan Miró sculpture representing and symbolising the Award, a cash prize of €50,000, a diploma and an insignia.
- Should the award be shared, the cash prize shall be divided equally amongst the Laureates.
- The following may submit nominations for the different Princess of Asturias Award categories:
- Laureates from previous years
- Those public figures and institutions invited to do so by the Foundation
- Spanish embassies
- Diplomatic representations in Spain
- Members of the eight juries, provided they do not submit nominations for the award in the category corresponding to the jury of which they are a member
- Other public figures and institutions of renown
- The nominations should demonstrate that, among other merits, the nominee is an outstanding role model whose work is of unquestionable standing.
- After analysing the merits of each candidature and assessing whether the nomination fulfils the requirements of these regulations, the Foundation will accept only those candidatures meeting said requirements.
- In no case whatsoever will the following nominations submitted for a Princess of Asturias Award be accepted:
- Posthumous nominations.
- Heads of state and/or heads of Spanish or foreign governments.
- Members of higher state institutions and/or those holding high office in Spanish or foreign governments.
- State institutions and public authorities regulated by the Spanish Constitution or Spanish legislation.
- Trustees of the Princess of Asturias Foundation or those who have been trustees within the three years immediately prior to the nomination.
- Those who have been a member of a Princess of Asturias Award Jury within three years immediately prior to the nomination.
- Individuals, organizations or institutions who apply for the award on their own behalf.
- Nominations are to be submitted by duly completing the official form or by means of a written document that clearly sets out the outstanding merits and standing of the nominee in accordance with the provisions of these regulations.
- Whatever the means employed, the documents considered appropriate to demonstrate the nominee’s merits, including all relevant data and complementary information, are to be attached or enclosed, along with any further reasoned support or endorsements. Audio-visual material intended to contribute to this end will also be accepted.
- The Foundation will not enter into any correspondence regarding the nomination nor return any documents submitted.
- Procedure
- Nominations are to be sent by e-mail to: fpa@fpa.es. They may also be sent by post or handed in at the Foundation’s offices: c/ General Yagüe, 2, 33004 Oviedo, Principado de Asturias, Spain.
- Deadline for submission
- The deadline for submitting nominations is 30th March 2017 for all categories.
- In accordance with the stipulations of items 1.a and 1.e of Article 4 of the present regulations, the members of the eight juries and laureates from previous years may submit nominations up to three calendar days prior to the date set for convening the corresponding jury.
- Each of the eight categories of the Princess of Asturias Awards will have its own jury appointed each year by the Foundation.
- The members of the jury may not hold office in the Spanish Government or be members of any of the higher institutions of any State.
- Each jury shall have a chairperson and an acting secretary.
- The chairperson shall be elected by the jury from among its members. The acting secretary, entitled to speak and vote, shall be appointed by the Foundation.
- The chairperson organizes and channels the jury’s deliberations and, where applicable, any voting that may arise. The secretary ensures compliance with the present regulations.
- At the first meeting, the acting secretary will first declare the jury convened. The jury will then proceed to elect its chairperson.
- To be able to participate in any voting that takes place, jury members must be present at the deliberative meetings from the moment the jury is convened until it is adjourned.
- Once convened, the jury is to hold its meetings over two consecutive days.
- The decision conferring the Award shall be announced by the public reading of the Minutes on the second day set for these meetings. This will normally be done by the chairperson of the corresponding jury.
- The deliberations of the Juries and the lists of nominations are secret.
- Jury members are to act freely and without constraint in the selection of the laureate and shall proceed at all times with fairness and rigour.
- During the course of its deliberations, the jury may not amend the nominations in any way whatsoever.
- The act of voting cannot be delegated.
- The voting system should at all times foster the successive and ongoing election of nominees preferred by the majority of the jury. In consequence, voting should always be in favour of a nominee rather than eliminatory in nature.
- The award is to be bestowed by majority vote on one single candidature. In the case of a tie, the chairperson will have the casting vote.
- The Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony shall be held in Oviedo (Principality of Asturias, Spain) in the second fortnight of October.
- Laureates must be present at the Awards Ceremony in order to receive the Joan Miró sculpture, the insignia and the cash prize.
- Should they be requested to do so by the Foundation, laureates are to participate in the cultural activities and other events the Foundation has programmed during the days immediately prior to and after the date set for holding the Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony.
For more information click "Further official information" below.
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