The First Annual Workshop on Methodologies and Tools to Improve Big Bata Projects, IEEE Big Data 2015, Santa Clara, CA, USA

Publish Date: Aug 18, 2015

Deadline: Sep 05, 2015

Methodologies to Improve Big Bata Projects

As data continues to be produced in massive amounts, with increasing volume, velocity and variety, Big Data projects are growing in frequency and importance. However, the growth in the use of Big Data has outstripped the knowledge of how to support teams that need to do big data projects. 

In fact, there has been very little written about methodologies, processes and frameworks that could enable teams to more effectively and efficiently “do” big data projects. The situation is much like the early days of software development: software was being developed but organizations had little ability to predict whether a project would be successful, on time or on budget and projects were overly reliant on the heroic efforts of particular individuals. 

Workshop 2015

The first annual workshop on methodologies and tools to improve big data projects will be held in conjunction with IEEE Big Data 2015, to be held in Santa Clara, CA, USA on Oct 29 – Nov 1, 2015. 

In this workshop, we will explore methodologies, processes, frameworks and tools to support data teams - that have been or need to be developed to help support Big Data projects. Specifically, this workshop will focus on how we can best support effective communication, collaboration and the overall execution by a Big Data team. 

The workshop will provide a venue to explore new ideas in possible methodologies as well case studies that describe examples of what has, or has not, worked within different Big Data teams. To enable a cross pollination of ideas, the workshop welcomes both academic researchers and industry experts to attend.


Register for the conference and workshop here

Call for Papers

We invite early research results and position statements on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Methodologies (agile, waterfall, other) for teams doing a Big Data project
  • Tools or frameworks to facilitate collaboration within a Big Data project
  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of a data team or their methodologies
  • How to ensure the quality of the results of a Big Data project
  • Case studies on related topics of interest to this workshop

Papers will be published in the IEEE BigData 2015 proceedings.

Important Dates

  • Sep 5 2015: Workshop submissions due. 
    Papers should be no longer than 9 pages in the IEEE 2-column format (MS Word template).
    Submit Workshop Papers here.
  • Sep 20 2015: Notification of acceptance.
  • Oct 05 2015: Camera-ready of accepted papers due.
  • Oct 29-Nov 1(TBD): MIDP 2015 at IEEE Big Data 2015 in Santa Clara, CA, USA.

Program Committee

  • Jeffrey Saltz, Syracuse University (Chair)
  • Bintong Chen, University of Delaware 
  • Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University
  • Alexandros Labrinidis, University of Pittsburgh 
  • Jason Dedrick, Syracuse University
  • Rakshit Kapoor, Hartford Insurance
  • Tayo Ibikunle, JP Morgan Chase

Contact / Questions

Please email any questions to jsaltz[at]

Please join our group


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