The FC Barcelona Photo Awards 2017

Publish Date: Dec 28, 2016

Deadline: Feb 28, 2017

Celebrating the Art in Sport

The FC Barcelona Photo Awards aim to identify the work that reflects in a conscious way the positive intrinsic values to sport. It is established with the aim of giving recognition to these values, seen through the lens of contemporary photographers.

Highlighting these positive values, common in sport and culture, the photography award of FC Barcelona seeks to grow a global photographic platform which communicates the importance and the contribution of the said universal values to the current society, as well as giving its support to the photography industry, generating a creating a favourable environment for the development of high-level projects.

FC Barcelona will organize an exhibition with the winning entries of both categories, as well as the finalists of the Photo Award category. It will also make utmost efforts to publicize globally the winners, carrying out various activities to promote the awards in different cities in Europe, USA and Asia.


DESCRIPTION: The single picture that shows the positive values of sport, giving priority to non-professional sport.

REQUIREMENTS: Photographers proving experience in media channels, photography agencies or within the art world.


  • 1 first prize of €40,000.
  • 29 finalists of €1,000. 


DESCRIPTION: The photography project idea that shows the positive values of sport, giving priority to non-professional sport.
REQUIREMENTS: Photographers proving experience in media channels, photography agencies or within the art world, as well as experience in development of projects.
AWARDS: 1 unique prize of €40,000 for developing the Project.


Participation in the FC Barcelona Photo Awards will be made exclusively via this website (see "Further Official Information" below this announcement). The work must meet the characteristics and formats listed in the attached legal basis on this website. Participants also must submit the documentation required in the registration form in the requested formats. Any work that does not meet the required characteristics cannot be accepted in the FC Barcelona Photo Awards.


Registration for both categories of the competition will close at 11:59pm on 28 February 2017. No work submitted to the FC Barcelona Photo Awards after that date will be accepted.

FC Barcelona will announce the verdict of the jury, during the first half of April 2017. Subsequently, a gala awards ceremony coinciding with the opening of the exhibition will be held in Barcelona, and will display the winning image and the finalists of the Photo Award category. 


Participation period: from July to February 28th 2017
Verdict of the jury: second half of March 2017
Awards ceremony: first half of June 2017
Exposition: June 2017

For more imormation please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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