Summer School - Yiddish Language and Literature, 17 July — 11 August 2017, Lithuania

Publish Date: Apr 17, 2017

The 2017 Summer Program in Yiddish Language and Literature

The four-week Summer Program in Yiddish was founded by at Oxford in 1982. It was relocated to Vilnius University in 1998. Since then, Vilnius has been home to this highly praised university-accredited course in Yiddish language, literature and culture. In 2001, the course became an integral component of the new Vilnius Yiddish Institute at Vilnius University. Yearly, it has drawn participants from as many as two dozen countries across the globe. A large number are university students; overall, however, the most varied backgrounds, pursuits, and professions are represented. Further, the group regularly includes members of diverse religious faiths and all age brackets — from college undergraduates (and the very occasional high-schooler) to senior citizens. What unites them all is their wish to steep themselves, for a learning-packed month, in Yiddish language and culture. For this, Vilnius — once renowned as Vilna, the Jerusalem of Lithuania (Vílne, Yerusholáyim d’Líte in Yiddish) — offers a setting that is unrivaled in its historical significance for the history of modern Yiddish culture.

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