Summer School - Digital Photography, 17-28 August 2015, Croatia

Publish Date: Jul 09, 2015

Event Dates: from Jul 17, 2015 12:00 to Jul 28, 2015 12:00

About the Summer School 

You like shooting pictures but you would like to get more advanced? You have a nice camera, you know how to operate it, and yet you are not satisfied with your shooting results? Then improve your skills with this course!

Tutor: Mark Wiedorn

Tutor´s bio: Mark is a professional photographer having numerous references. He travelled or around the world with his Camera including Asia – Thailand, Bhutan etc. He is the lecturer at Anglo-American University where he conducts the classes of Digital Photography and also Marketing courses like Digital Marketing. He will be happy to explain to you all the techniques for handling your camera and as well to give you guidance and hints when it comes to compilation of the picture, composition, light and waiting/capturing the right moment etc.
Mark Wiedorn Profile
Mark Wiedorn photos

School: Anglo-American University

You like shooting pictures but you would like to get more advanced? You have a nice camera, you know how to operate it, and yet you are not satisfied with your shooting results? Then improve your skills with this course! You will learn all aspects of making a good picture, including the work after shooting – postproduction. Imagine what scenes summer exteriors in Split offer. Don’t miss the chance, go ahead and register for this super summer course!

Pictures will be presented on FB for other students to review and evaluate. You will receive one A4-A3 format printed photo of your choice as part of the course package. Best photos will be printed out and exhibited at the Hostel Spinut

Schedule: Monday to Friday from 9:00 – 14:00 (schedule may be more flexible)

Credits: You will receive an official Certificate of Attendance upon completion of your course which you may use to show evidence of the skills you have learnt during the course and have the credits accepted by your home university.

Price: All course materials and organization of afternoon and evening activities are included in the Course fee. You will also receive a Welcome and a Goodbye drink. Course fee does not include an Application fee of 50EUR. Trips and special activities such as boat parties, trips to NP Krka, or water sports equipment rentals are at an extra cost. For transport options to Croatia, accommodation and meal options please check the Accommodation and Transport tabs in the ABOUT section.


Skills Acquired:

  • Get to know the history of photographing to the newest trends in industry
  • Adopt the skills necessary for timing the photo shooting, catching the right moment
  • Working with the light, exposure and other components of shooting
  • Setting the right photo composition
  • Learn how to be the director of photo shooting instead of being driven by circumstances
  • Find out what technology you need for your work and how to operate it
  • Develop a critical approach to photographing which will help you work more efficiently
  • Adopt editing techniques that enhances your work


Intemediary skills of photoshooting with a single-lens reflex camera, coming equipped with a reflex camera (SLR) and a laptop.


The course day by day


    • Day One – Getting to know your camera and settings


  • Preparing the scene
  • Day Two – Preparation for the set, working with the light, exposure and other features


  • Day Three – The gear – tripods, backlights, lenses, reductions
  • Shot composition, catching the moment

Post production

  • Day Four – Post production – Working in Adobe Photoshop
  • Color correction, effects and graphics
  • Day Five – Post production, printing, exhibitions, publishing, feedback

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here but the link is no more active.

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