Strategies for Inclusion (STR4INC) project/ Initial Results

Publish Date: May 06, 2017

Since September 2015 a consortium of partner organizations and associations led by EUROCLIO has been implementing “Strategies for Inclusion- Making High Quality History and Citizenship Education More Inclusive and Accessible” (STRA4INC) funded by the ERASMUS+.

Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS (Armenian-CIVITAS) as well as schools from Portugal (School Cluster Agrupamento de Escolas Coimbra Centro/Agrupamento de Escolas de Montemor-o-Velho), and Slovenia (Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana /Ljubljana School for the Deaf ) and two institutions of higher education from the Netherlands (Hogeschool van Amsterdam Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences ) and Norway (Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet/ Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU) participate to produce tailored educational resources, build the capacity of educators, build more awareness of the importance of inclusive and citizenship education, and create a transferable model on the implementation of strategies for inclusion that can be adapted for use in other subjects as well. The project seeks to contribute to making the teaching and learning of history and citizenship at schools more inclusive and accessible for learners with special educational needs and disabilities. It will enhance equity, diversity, and inclusion of educational systems overall, while strengthening the profile of teaching professions and the quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation. While the project addresses all learners, it specifically concentrates on learners with visual and hearing impairments and learners with behavioral and motivation difficulties in particular.

The project has so far resulted in the following outputs which we would like to bring to your attention:

The analysis report of the selection of existing resources and recommendations

The analysis report of the selection of existing resources in the field of Inclusive History and Citizenship Education was made by the Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS, (Armenian-CIVITAS) NGO in close cooperation with the project lead partner EUROCLIO and other consortium members.

This Analysis Report aims to serve the function of a route map to a selection of quality resources in the field of Inclusive History and Citizenship Education for subject teachers, educators, policy makers and a wider audience. This collection of resources has more than 100 entries and the interested users can find teaching and learning materials, articles and reports, books, educational web resources on History and Citizenship Education. They will also find resources on recommended approaches and methodology on how to make History and Citizenship Education more inclusive and accessible for all. The document consists of summary reports of selected resources in thematic units such as History Education, Citizenship Education, Resources for students who are deaf and hard-of-hearing, and Resources for students who are blind and partially-sighed, Resources on Motivation and Learning Barriers and Inclusive Education Resources. These thematic units were included for the users who are particularly interested in making their History and Citizenship teaching/learning inclusive and of higher quality. The consortium partners strongly believe this collection of existing resources on high quality History and Citizenship Education and Inclusive Education accomplished under “Strategies for Inclusion- Making High Quality History and Citizenship Education More Inclusive and Accessible” (STRA4INC) project with all its limitations can serve as a hands-on tool and a resource database for further reference for teachers, educational practitioners, experts and policy makers to have an easy access to quality resources.

Download the analysis report of selection of existing resources in the field of Inclusive History and Citizenship Education: Analysis Report of Existing Resources and Recommendations

Report of the 1st phase of the needs assessment

The report of the 1st phase of the needs assessment has been prepared by Manuela Carvalho from the School Cluster of Montemor-o-Velho in close cooperation with the consortium members of the project. This area of the project intended to identify the barriers to the implementation of a high quality history and citizenship teaching and learning for the targeted students, ensuring that the other intellectual outputs corresponded to the needs. Having in mind the time horizon of the project and its transnational nature, the process was unfolded into two stages. The first one aimed at applying a teachers’ online survey and, depending on the results obtained, to apply follow-up interviews. Thus, the report of the 1st stage of the needs assessment presents the findings of the online survey which have been responded by 193 educators from 33 countries. Considering the characteristics of the target population in this study a convenience sampling was employed being the participant teachers those who volunteered to respond to the questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 28 closed questions and one opened, written in English. The report starts by a "portrait" of the participants' background, regarding their work contexts, experience in teaching the students' target groups and training. A second part presents their perceptions on the existing barriers to teaching students with diverse learning needs in what concerns the administration levels, their practices to teach concepts and competencies and training needed. Consult the report for the conclusions arisen from the results of the teachers’ questionnaire.

Download the report: Preliminary Report Strategies for Inclusion

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