Special Day Photography Contest

Publish Date: Jun 02, 2016

Deadline: Jun 13, 2016

Passionate individuals who cannot conceive life without a camera in their hands to record every special moment. Photography can be used to freeze special memories - time with the family, a loved one's birthday, a friend or relative's wedding, etc. This contest has been created for those who love these special occasions and cannot let them go unphotographed. Participate with your best pictures, showcasing the emotion you can capture with your camera.

•First prize: An backpack bag for professional photographers.
•Second PrizeThe best photo will be premium user for one year.
• Third prize: 10 honorable mentions.

Legitimization to take part:

• They can participate people major of 18 years old and people under 18 who are relying on express authorization of their parents or legal representatives, and once they are known and accepted by the participant the conditions of registration, protection of information, intellectual property, and all those other conditions that, with general character, should be additionally considered necessary for the participation of the users in Blipoint.
• For technical reasons the participants of the contest will have to be registered in Blipoint.

Stage I: publication stage

• Beginning of the publication stage of the image to participate in the “Special Day” contest organized by Blipoint. It starts 19/01/2016 and ends 20/05/2016.
• Each contestant can publish up to a maximum of (2) two images.
• Any technique may be used. Photographs, collages, paintings, illustrations, or mixed format techniques can be submitted.
• Only digital posters will be accepted, and they must not be larger than 1.5 mega and in jpg format.
• Images that have been awarded a prize or simply participated in previous Blipoint contests will not be accepted.
• With the sending of the images, you confirm automatically that you own the author’s copyright and that your images are free of rights to third persons.
• You will preserve the entire author’s copyright and other rights that you already possess in relation with the images that you publish in Blipoint. The authors of the official announcement herein authorize Punto y Línea 07 S.L., a company registered in Spain, legal representative of the blipoint web portal, the non-exclusive right to the reproduction, distribution, and public communication of the works of the finalists, in the following terms:
• The right of reproduction: for the sole purposes of, postcards, or posters, promotional press advertising the present official announcement, and publication in diverse intranet media, such as; social networks, within the blipoint web portal, and blogs related to photography and art events, with the sole purpose of making known and promoting the contest winners.
• The Blipoint web portal is obliged to respect the recognized moral right in favour of the authors in article 14 of the rewritten text of the intellectual property law.
• On the present bases, you accept that no commentary or other information that you provide to Blipoint will violate any personal right or any property right of any third one (including, without limitation, the author’s copyright and brand rights). Also, you accept that no commentary or other information that you provide to Blipoint will be slanderous, obscene, harassing, improper or illegal, and that you remain as the only responsible for the contents of any commentary or other information that you provide to Blipoint.
• Competitors who fulfill the established conditions will receive an e-mail from Blipoint asking them receipt of Participation Request. They will be able to raise questions and doubts they have regarding the development of the contest to the same address: info@blipoint.com.

Stage II: voting stage

• From 20/05/2016 until 13/06/2016 the voting process with the star voting system will take place: by way of this voting system, one can only vote (5) five once for each photo that one wants to receive the most votes. In this way, users that have more friends are prevented from ending up in first place.
• he prize consists of being a premium user for free for six months. For more information regarding the premium gallery:The voting will be do http://blipoint.com/premiumInfo.htmlne by the artists, photographers, illustrators, graphic designers, and individuals themselves that are active within the Blipoint community.
• Blipoint, as the organizer of this contest, saves itself the right to modify at any time its conditions, including the dates of the contest, even its whole cancellation, before the closing date of the contest, providing that there was a valid reason, and promising to notify with sufficient anticipation the new bases, conditions or, if necessary, the definitive cancellation.
• In the supposition that Blipoint was detecting that any participant of the contest is using any type of method or automated process, appellant or carrying out any type of fraudulent conduct that alters the normal functioning of the contest, Blipoint will be able to give up immediately from the contest the above mentioned participant (who will be sent an e-mail informing him or her about the immediate expulsion of the contest), leaving without effect the points accumulated up to this moment by the above mentioned participant.
• In the supposition that Blipoint was an object of any claim, judicial or extrajudicial, initiated by third part and based on possible infractions of the rights of intellectual property or image of those third part, derived from the utilization on the part of Blipoint of the images contributed by the participant, this one will assume all the expenses, costs and indemnifications that could stem from such judicial actions, answering in front of Blipoint or in front of that third ones, as it corresponds.
• In case the present promotion was remaining suspended by reasons of major force, Blipoint will remain exempted from any responsibility on the same one.

Stage III:

• On 13/06/2016 the voting period will end and the first 50 images that obtain the best quality of votes will be pre-selected. 

• There will be a pre-selection of the first 50 images by way of the voting system. Then, a qualified panel of judges will select (01) one photo.
• To finalize the announcement, the winning image, along with the author’s profile, will be published in the contest’s records, so the said author should update his/her profile. It will also be promoted on the contests’ main page as well as on Blipoint’s blog.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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