Spain, Turkey and The Netherlands call for Research & Development Projects

Publish Date: May 26, 2016

Deadline: Jun 15, 2016

Spain, Turkey and The Netherlands are active members of EUREKA and support innovation projects through the various EUREKA instruments, including EUREKA Network Projects and Eurostars. These countries are jointly announcing a Call for project outlines for joint R&D projects under the EUREKA and Eurostars programmes. 

The main objective of this call is to stimulate the generation of EUREKA and Eurostars projects. As such, successful project outlines can later apply for funding as an EUREKA Network project or as an Eurostars project. Projects with successful applications to EUREKA and Eurostars can apply for funding through the national EUREKA offices in Spain (CDTI), Turkey (TUBITAK) and The Netherlands ( 

Special focus

 Although the EUREKA and Eurostars programmes are open for projects within all technology fields, this Call for project outlines is focused on developing innovative products, processes or service systems in the fields of “Market driven R&D in innovative technologies applied to the food chain”.  Applicants are expected to develop ready-to-market solutions for products,  technology-based services or methods in:

  • Food technology (processing, packaging and labelling, additives, product development, chemical and nutritional analysis),
  • Food safety and quality (food-borne diseases, quality and nutritional properties),
  • Novel foods and sustainable food production and have strong market potential for Spain, Turkey and The Netherlands as well as for Europe.

Eligibility criteria

The project partners are invited to present joint proposals for industrial, close-to-the-market R&D projects resulting in new products, processes or services with a strong market potential. The proposals should comply with the following guidelines:

  • The project consortium should consist of at least 2 partners from two different participating countries. Research institutes, universities and (large) companies are welcome as partners or subcontractors according to each country’s funding regulations. Specifically for Eurostars, the main partner (the coordinator of the project) must be a research and development performing SME.
  • Industrial and innovation actors from other countries may also participate, but funding for these partners will depend on the funding rules of the relevant programme in their country or participate with own resources.
  • The project should clearly demonstrate the contribution of all participants.
  • The project should have an obvious advantage and added-value resulting from the cooperation between the participants. One country or one partner cannot represent more than 75% of the project budget.
  • The project must have a civilian purpose.

Funding details

Subject to budget availability in each country, the participating EUREKA offices will provide access to existing public funding, on a non-exchange of funds basis and according to their respective national rules and procedures.

Fore more information about the funding rules as well as the submission and approval procedure, please download the call for project information document. 

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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