Ph.D. scholarships in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research

Publish Date: Jun 15, 2016

Deadline: Jul 06, 2016

Instructions for the Call 2016/2017

Entry Requirements 

In order to apply for one of the NASP Ph.D. Programmes, applicants will be required to possess:

• either an Italian Laurea Magistrale, a Master's Degree or any equivalent degree;
• a B2 level or above English language certification issued by any authorized certifying body as laid down by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEFR. Here you can find a list of all accepted certifications. The certificate is not required if the candidate attended a specific Master Degree or Laurea Magistrale course (see the official call for application for details), or any Master Degree or Laurea Magistrale course whose official language was English. If the candidate does not possess such certification and didn't attend any of the abovementioned courses, he or she will be required to pass an English language entry exam in order to be admitted to the Ph.D.

Applicants who expect to obtain a Laurea Magistrale, a Master's Degree or equivalent within October 31, 2016 are also eligible to apply for admission.

Entry exams schedule will be available from July 4th 2016 on the University of Milan website at

Foreign candidates who are not able to reach Milan for the language exam may ask to take the exam online. To this end, they must fill the specific form attached to the Call for Application providing all the data required (see the following section for details).

How to Submit  

Applications must be submitted no later than July 6th, 2016 at 13.00 (Italian Time).

In order to submit the application, it is required to follow these steps:

• Register to the University website at in the section "Accesso Rapido" - "Servizi"- "Registrazione" (this is not required if the applicant is already registered to the University online system)
• Login to the SIFA online services at "Servizi online SIFA - LOGIN"
• Select "Servizi di Ammissione" - "Ammissione ai corsi post laurea" - "Dottorati di ricerca" and then follow the instructions
• During the procedure the applicant will be prompted to pay a € 50,00 fee. The payment can be made immediately by credit card or by printing the MAV payment form generated by the SIFA. Foreign applicants living outside Italy and paying by MAV form can complete the payment procedure once in Italy, and deliver the MAV receipt at the University International Students Desk located in via S. Sofia n. 9/1.

Important: If you encounter any technical related issue during the above online procedure (errors, webpages not working, etc), please submit the issue to the InfoMail Service available here
Application procedure involves the upload of the following documents (it is possible to upload in .pdf .rtf .jpg formats, no larger than 10Mb):

Abstract of the applicant's dissertation in English (3.500 words max - bibliography included) - (only if required by the university system of the country in which the qualification was awarded);

A. Diploma Supplement, or Degree certificate in Italian or English with course examinations passed and final grade (This is not required for applicants who graduated at the University of Milan);
B. Curriculum Vitae, with a description of any professional experience and other qualifications held by the applicant;
C. Research project in English (see the official Call for the related form);
D. Valid B2 level (or above) English language certification or declaration of exemption (see the official Call for the related form);
E. Copy of passport (only for foreign applicants);
F. Any publication in Italian or in English;
G. Request for online language entry exam/interview (only if needed by the applicant - see the official Call for the related form);
H. Annex A of the Call for Application.

Once the uploading procedure is confirmed, it's not possibile to modify or cancel the application.

Please note that failure to provide one of the documents at items A, B or C will result in the exclusion from the competition.
Failure to provide one of the documents at item D will result in the requirement to attend the language entry examination.

Reference letters
In addition to the above documentation, one or more (see the Offical Call for details) letters of reference must be drawn up in accordance with the form provided with the Call for Application and must be sent directly by the lecturer or expert providing the reference as a .pdf document to the relevant email address for each course as indicated in the Call for Application.

Please see to it that the provider of the reference letter puts the following in the subject field: "Lettera di presentazione - Dottorato di ricerca in ... " or "Academic Reference Form - Ph.D. Programme in ...".

The letters must be sent to the email address specified in the official Call according to the same deadline of the application procedure, i.e. no later than July 6th, 2016 at 13.00 (Italian Time).

Ph.D. students will be admitted WITH SCHOLARSHIPS ONLY. Admission to Ph.D. Programmes is based on qualifications and interviews. The Ph.D. programmes, fully taught in English, promote international exchanges with top European research institutions and offer quality teaching at international level.
The beginning of teaching activities is scheduled in October 2016.
To be considered valid, applications must be submitted as the official Call for Application prescribes.

Ph.D. in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research - SOMET Ph.D.

6 scholarships + 6 extra scholarships "in memory of Valeria Solesin"

Six PhD scholarships (duration: 3 years) in memory of Valeria Solesin, the Italian PhD student at Paris-Sorbonne University killed in the terror attacks at Bataclan in November 2015, have been assigned by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research to our PhD Programme in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research.
All six positions will imply a joint degree with a French University, where the PhD students will spend 18 months of their doctoral training.

Three of these scholarships will be assigned to candidates who earned a master's degree in France.

Please note: if you have any question concerning the Ph.D. application procedure, you may send an email to

Mission and Partners

The Ph.D. programme in Sociology has a longstanding tradition of excellence in Italy. It was one of the first to be established after the 1980 university reform and has provided a large number of outstanding academic sociologists who have gone on to make significant contributions to teaching and research in Italy and abroad. The aim of the programme is to provide structured training in theoretically-guided empirical research across a wide range of sociological fields and to introduce students to current international debates in both qualitative and quantitative social research.

The course consists of a three-year programme of 60 credits per year. The first year is devoted to basic training, in conjunction with the activities of the Faculty's interdisciplinary Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences. The second year is partly spent in a relevant university department abroad and is devoted to the initial drafting of the thesis. The third year is entirely spent completing the thesis.

Graduates will be able to compete successfully for positions as researchers (in public and private universities and research centers), skilled professionals and consultants in sociology to public agencies and international organizations and institutions in Italy and elsewhere in Europe.

In 2013, the PhD Programme in Sociology has made an agreement with the University of Turin and given rise to the new PhD programme in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research. The Programme is thus enriched with new skills and research fields, and reinforces its position among the leading programs in Italy in terms of doctoral excellence.

Since 2014-2015, the PhD programme in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research (SOMET) has offered PhD positions for joint degrees with two LERU partner universities – University of Amsterdam and Lund University.

For the cycle starting in 2016-17, we are offering one scholarship for a joint degree with the University of Amsterdam.

Joint degree with University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR)

For this PhD position (3 years) we welcome projects in the area of health, care and risk that look at the relation between institutional arrangements and everyday life. What is, for instance, understood and experienced as 'illness', as (proper) care for older and disabled people or children, or as 'formal' and 'informal' varies across time, across societies and within societies along the lines of gender and sexuality, class, ethnicity/race, religiosity and generations and is shaped by and shaping cultural norms and socialization processes. Questions that can be addressed are (a) How institutions shape the cultural, social, and political meaning of health and care across societies and across social groups within societies (b) How institutional change - at the intersection of globalization/Europeanization, citizens demands and new technologies - affects the diverse meanings and political understandings of health and care. (c) How everyday practices reproduce or challenge these meanings and how institutions are affected by everyday concerns.

Projects that look at the same relation between institutional arrangements and everyday life in areas other than those indicated will be also considered.

The research areas covered by the PhD Programme now include:

Cultural Processes: Body and Consumer Culture; Emotions; Everyday life; Intercultural Relations; Lifestyles; Multiculturalism; Youth Cultures.

Media and the Public Sphere: Citizenship; Digital Media; Language and Communication; Public Opinion; Social Media and Political Participation; Social Movements.

Methodology of Social Research: Applied Multivariate Analysis; Ethnography; Epistemology of Social Research;

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods; Statistics and Mathematics for the Social Sciences.

Social Inequalities and demographic change: Childhood and Children; Family and Welfare; Gender; Health; Intergenerational Relationships; International Migration; Poverty and Social Exclusion; Social Inequalities.

Urban Spaces: City and Urban Life; Gentrification; Modernization and Local Development; Space and Mobilities; Urban Ethnography.

For each of these sociological areas/topics, the PhD Programme places particular emphasis on the integration of theory and methodology of research.

For more information press "Further official information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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