Pharmacology/toxicology Awards 2017, Phrma Foundation, USA

Publish Date: Jun 30, 2017

Deadline: Sep 01, 2017

Pharmacology/toxicology awards support career development activities of scientists embarking on research that integrates information on molecular or cellular mechanisms of action with information on the effects of an agent observed in an intact organism, in experimental animal or clinical studies or both.

Highest priority will be given to applicants whose research will attempt to integrate information on a drug or chemical’s mechanism of action at the molecular or cellular level with a drug’s effect in a human or laboratory animal. Applicants should describe the significance of a hypothesis being tested in the context of potential influences of biochemical, physiological, behavioral, or social systems.

These awards intend to encourage multidisciplinary training to apply the perspective of molecular, cell, and systems biology to pharmacology and toxicology research. Their scope includes basic drug action studies, detection of cellular responses to drugs at the gene level that create opportunities to optimize individualized drug therapy, and the corresponding evaluation of pharmaceuticals in human and clinical populations.


To encourage progress in pharmacological research through the provision of well-trained investigators. •    To support students in advanced stages of training and thesis research.

Eligibility & Requirements

Applications must be submitted by an accredited U.S. college or university.

  • Because of high demand for this fellowship, the PhRMA Foundation will accept only one application per academic institution.
  • Applicants must be full-time, in-residence pharmacology or toxicology students enrolled in U.S. schools of medicine, pharmacy, public health, dentistry, or veterinary medicine. Eligible candidates will    have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of study) and be engaged in thesis research as Ph.D. candidates by the time the award is activated.
  • All applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

The university is responsible for selecting its proposed candidate. Exceptions may be considered for institutions with multiple campuses. While all applications involving pharmacology/toxicology research will be considered, preference will be given to individuals sponsored by a unit with responsibility for pharmacology/toxicology as part of its core mission. The pharmacology/toxicology research and teaching mission of the unit awarding the degree must be part of a core mission displayed on its website.

An individual may not simultaneously hold or interrupt any other fellowship providing stipend support while the PhRMA Foundation fellowship is active.

  • This award provides $20,000 in stipend support per year for one or two years.
  • Payments will be made directly to the university on a quarterly basis.
  • $1,000 per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with the thesis research preparation (i.e. secretarial help, artwork, books, etc.)
  • The program provides no other subsidies (travel, tuition, fringe benefit costs, etc.).
  • PhRMA Foundation funds may not be used for indirect costs to the university.
  • These funds are not transferable.
  • A financial report from the university will be required at the conclusion of each year of the fellowship.

The second year of funding, if applicable, will be contingent on a progress report submitted to the Foundation and a satisfactory review by the Basic Pharmacology Advisory Committee of the award recipient’s progress during the first 10 months of the fellowship. The decision will be based on overall adherence to the program’s goals, as well as the degree to which the awardee has adhered to originally proposed research. The Foundation must also receive certification from the thesis advisor that satisfactory progress is being achieved.

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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United States

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United States