Njord Sustainable Food Photography Competition

Publish Date: May 05, 2016

Deadline: Jun 01, 2016

International visual competition – Professional food photography with sustainability and ecology as the overall theme.The winner’s of competition will receive great prizes and international awareness.

More and more food are produced every year. Somebody have to pay for that. And most of the time it´s the nature with we have to take very good care of, in order to survive. By making this competition, it's aimed to bring more attention to that very important message. That´s why all the pictures entered into this competition, have to show some sort of sustainability. Either positive or negative. The important thing is telling the story in a good picture.


  • Food in the making
  • FN 17 sustainable development goals
  • Sustainable food production
  • Foranging
  • Plating
  • Amateur/enthusiast category

Terms of participating in the competition

  • Everybody can enter as long as they are 18 years or over.
  • The competition are mainly for Professionals, but the are one category for amateurs/enthusiast photographers
  • You can only participate with your own work
  • The judges have the final word.
  • The competition are international and you can participate from any country in the world.
  • All file transfers should be by Njord´s Wetransfer page
  • All entered pictures should be max 2000x2000px 72ppi
  • Runners up will be contacted and asked to send their pictures in a larger format
  • Pictures should submitted between april 1st 2016 and june 1st 2016
  • No pictures will be returned by the Njord Sustainable Food Photo Competition  and therefore participants are advised to keep a copy of their digital files for their own use.


  • Upload of five pictures cost €50. Upload of extra pictures will cost €10 per piece.
  • Once entered, pictures cannot be withdrawn. And there can be no refunds.
  • Payment are made online by credit card or paypal.

The Award announcement

It will take place at “folkemødet 2016” Its a political festival with 80.000 participants from all over the world. The travelling exhibition will also start here. And we will announce the winners at a live broadcast event.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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