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Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vidi - Grant for Experienced Researchers 2020, Netherlands

Publish Date: Aug 04, 2019

Deadline: Aug 27, 2019

Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vidi


The Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vidi is a grant for experienced researchers.

Embedding guarantee for Vidi call 2019

From 2018 on NWO asks Vidi candidates for an 'embedding guarantee' signed by the dean of the institution where they intend to conduct their research. Researchers can only submit applications for Vidi funding with the support of the Dutch institution where they intend to conduct their research. It is expected to lead to fewer applications and to be more consistent with the research institutions’ personnel policy. 


Extension clause parents

NWO changes its extension clause: for biological mothers the extension of eighteen months per child remains unaffected; other parents (fathers and non-biological mothers) are granted a standard extension of six moths per child. Extension for parents is only granted for children who are part of the applicant’s household. Please consult the frequently asked questions on our website for further details.

New: NWO specifies current provision for pregnant applicants in official compensation scheme

NWO’s 'Compensation scheme for parental leave’ specifies when and how applicants for a personal grant can qualify for alternative handling of their application. This provision is intended for applicants who are unable to participate in the regular evaluation procedure because they are on parental leave. NWO is thus trying to promote equal opportunities for this group to receive grants and retain talented researchers for science. The compensation scheme applies to the ‘Talent Scheme’ and became effective from the 22 of February.



Vidi is a funding instrument in the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme. It allows researchers who have already spent several years doing postdoctoral research to develop their own innovative line of research, and to appoint one or more researchers for this.

Who can apply

You can apply for a Vidi grant if you have done several years of research at postdoc level. In this research you have come up with innovative ideas that you have been able to independently and successfully develop further. You gained your doctorate no more than eight years ago, calculated from the date of the PhD graduation to the benchmark date for the Vidi round (1 October). This period can be extended according to the extension clause in the case of caring responsibilities or in the case of training to become a clinical specialist. Further information about this is contained in the document ‘Frequently asked questions’.

A researcher may apply for a Vidi grant on a maximum of two occasions.

Researchers from outside the Netherlands may also apply.

What can be applied for 

The maximum grant is 800,000 euros

When to apply

  • A funding round is held every year. The deadline for submitting applications in the 2019 round is 3 October, 14:00 hours (Central European (Summer) Time).

When you submit your application to ISAAC/MyZonMw you need to enter several additional details online. We strongly advise you to start applying at least a day before the deadline. Applications that are submitted after the deadline will not be included in the procedure.


All Vidi applications are assessed in a nationwide competition.


The assessment criteria are:

  • quality, innovative character and academic impact of the research proposal
  • knowledge utilisation 
  • quality of the researcher

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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