Nagao Natural Environment Foundation Research Grant Programme
The Research Grant Programme financially supports academic and scientific research that will deepen knowledge of the nature conservation in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. With the aim of strengthening research capacity of young researchers in that region, grants are available only for individual researchers, but not for groups/teams, to enhance their skills, knowledge, and experience through their own research work.
Grant size and duration
The maximum grant size in this programme is 500,000 Japanese yen per project for a maximum duration of two year.
Eligibility requirements
An applicant must:
- be a national of developing country in the Asia-Pacific region (see 3. Target countries and regions below);
- be a researcher/scientist, who works full-time or is enrolled in a doctoral course, conducting research at a research institution or relevant organisation in one of the target countries listed in 3. Target countries and regions below;
- have sufficient experience and skills in conducting and managing the proposed research;
- be able to communicate in English;
- not have another application to the NEF; AND
- not have another on-going research or publication project funded by the NEF at the time of application submission.
A proposed research project must:
- be scientific research contributing to the nature conservation of the country where the applicant currently works or studies;
- be carried out in the country where the applicant currently works or studies;
- involve fieldwork for collecting data;
- be applicant's own research work (team projects are ineligible.);
- achieve its objective(s) and submit reports within one to two years as scheduled; AND
- be exclusively funded by the NEF Research Grant Programme, or co-funded with the applicant's institution.
Eligible expenses
- expendables necessary for field survey and analysis (e.g., sampling gear, reagent, etc.);
- local travel expenses for fieldtrip (e.g., accommodation, food, transportation, etc.);
- reference materials (e.g., article, book, etc.);
- limited wages and labour costs necessary for proposed research; and
- other expenses only when the NEF Secretariat approved.
Ineligible expenses
- salaries and tuition paid to applicants, assistants, and other people to be involved in research;
- renovation and installation of institution’s facilities (e.g., rearing, cultivation facilities);
- equipment available through applicant’s institution (e.g., personal computer, computer software/accessory, analytical equipment, microscope, projector, printer, GPS, digital camera, vehicle, motorbike) Exception might be made only when the NEF Secretariat approve the importance of purchase of brand new equipment;
- honoraria, consultation fees, and travel expenses paid to advisors and experts;
- participation fees to attend national and international workshops, conferences, and trainings;
- international travel expenses;
- expenses necessary for disseminating research results/findings;
- manuscript preparation and publication;
- expenses for the past activities already done;
- general administrative expenses and overheads; etc.
Obligations of grant recipient
If granted, recipients should:
- be responsible for individuals and organisations/institutions to which the recipient subcontracts for various parts of the research;
- submit a progress report , with photographs taken and a detailed financial report, one year after its implementation of the approved research; and
- submit a final report , with photographs taken and a detailed financial report, upon completion of the approved research.
How to Apply
Applicants are required to submit: a completed application form and a recommendation letter. Instructions and application form are available at Forms & Guidelines.
Where to submit
All documents (a completed application form and a recommendation letter) should be submitted to the NEF Secretariat by e-mail ( in MS Word or PDF or by fax (+81-3-6659-2272).
If e-mail access or fax is unavailable, hard copies can be mailed to:
NEF Secretariat
Nagao Natural Environment Foundation
3-3-7 Kotobashi, Sumida-ku
Tokyo 130-0022 Japan
Application deadlines for this year are twice a year: 18 April 2016 and 17 October 2016. All the documents must reach the NEF Secretariat before/by the deadline date for either April or October. Delayed submission of any required document will not be accepted.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: