Morton Marcus Poetry Contest 2016

Publish Date: Aug 05, 2016

Deadline: Sep 01, 2016

About phren-Z

phren-Z is a quarterly online literary magazine dedicated to showcasing Santa Cruz writers.

Our Floodlight Features appear independent of our quarterly schedule and provide an in-depth look at individuals, topics, and events of interest to the local literary community.

phren-Z is a publication of Santa Cruz Writes, a grass roots organization dedicated to promoting the local literary community. Santa Cruz Writes is a sponsored project of the William James Association, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation.

About the Contest

We are interested in seeing your best work: surprise us, delight us, make us shed a tear.

We accept and read submissions year-round from all emerging and published writers 18 years and older from Santa Cruz County ONLY. phren-Z accepts previously published work, as long as you hold the copyright. Simultaneous submissions are accepted: just let us know as soon as possible if a piece we are considering has been accepted elsewhere.

The winner will receive a prize in amount of $1,000.


Poetry – submit up to three poems. Submit all poems in a single document, formatted the way you’d like them to appear.

Fiction – submit a short story or self-contained novel excerpt up to 3,000 words. Double-spaced. For flash fiction under 500 words, submit up to three stories in a single document.

Nonfiction – submit personal essays, writing tips, reviews of books and films. We’re particularly interested in pieces that highlight writing and life in Santa Cruz—and the intersection between the two. Maximum length is 3,000 words, double-spaced.

Plays & Monologues - Up to ten pages. Standard format.

Publication Dates

  • Winter - February 15
  • Spring - May 15
  • Summer - August 15
  • Fall - November 15

At this point, we cannot pay for work. Work is published with a short bio, photo, links to author sites, and is archived on the phren-z site.

The deadline for submission is September 1, 2016.

The application fee makes $15.

If you have any question, send an email at We look forward to reading your work!

To submit your application, please click on the "Further official information" link below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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