Korea – France Call for Proposals for Joint Research & Development Projects

Publish Date: May 26, 2016

Deadline: Aug 31, 2016

Korea and France are announcing a bilateral Call for joint R&D project outlines, focusing on developing innovative products and applications in market oriented technological and application areas. Applicants are expected to develop ready to market solutions or projects, which have a significant market potential for Korea and France.

  • The call is announced within the framework of the Declaration of Intent on Call for proposal among the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology KIAT and the French public investment bank Bpifrance.
  • KIAT and Bpifrance will provide access to public funding for joint projects. They will also provide all necessary and coordinated assistance to project partners during project proposal, evaluation and monitoring phase.

The Call is open until 31st March 2016 for the first half of the year and 31st August 2016 for the second half at 18:00 (local time).

Eligibility criteria


The consortia should consist of a market oriented mix of R&D performing commercial companies and research institutes.
The consortia should demonstrate:

  • Complementary technological excellence and qualification of the partners,
  • Sustainability of the partnership and intensity of the collaboration between the partners,
  • Management ability of the consortia to successfully carry out the project and implement the results,
  • Mutual advancement of R&D through the transfer of knowledge and expertise,Added value for the participants from both countries in a balanced way.

Innovation Content

The innovation aspect of a project outline should go beyond the international state of the art. The innovation project should be science-based targeting to achieve advances in technology or a service. The main objectives in terms of performance or cost to become competitive shall be presented in a specific way.
Companies proposing projects are encouraged to apply in any technological field, namely with a specific
focus on the following fields:

  • Bio Technology and Medical Technology
  • Energy and Environment Technology
  • Robot, Automobile and Machinery Systems Technology
  • Materials and Nano Technology
  • Information and Communication Technology

Companies wishing to propose projects in different fields are encouraged to contact the program managers whose contact information is shown at the bottom of this call.


The project outline is targeting at the establishment of a new or the integration into an existing value chain. A market and an implementation idea shall exist for envisaged product or service.

Funding details

Each country will fund its eligible participants according to their national procedure and funding rules. Funding conditions and eligibility criteria may vary from one country to another.

For more information, please download the Call for project information document from the website.

Similar Opportunities


Energy-efficient technologies

Information Technology

Innovative Technologies



Eligible Countries

South Korea