IISA Winter School: Media Activism and Postcolonial Futures, 16-21 January 2017, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Publish Date: May 19, 2016

Deadline: Jun 13, 2016

Six Days of Interactive Winter School Training

School Description

There has been growing scholarly interest in better understanding the role of media technologies—from Weibo and WhatsApp to cloud computing and location-based services – in transforming the nature of social movements worldwide. But “Twitter revolutions” that subvert existing structures of media and political power are only a part of this story. The Arab Uprisings also taught states across the Middle East, North Africa and Asia how to tame media activism and deploy digital tools for control. Media activism spread across ideological spectrums and has brought to the forefront not only youth and pro-democracy movements. It has also been used successfully by political parties to embrace ethno-nationalist agendas and enable closer alliances with neoliberal capital and military power. These varied political logics and fates of media activism since 2011 make clear that triumphalist accounts of “media technologies-as-liberation” require revision; there is a pressing need to embed media and technology-centric perspectives on activism in an account of historical context and institutional power.

In this Winter School, we are interested in exploring these multivalent dynamics of digital media activism in postcolonial contexts where historical and contemporary legacies of global power relations shape and inflect media and political practices. Specifically, we will trace how media industries, from news to entertainment, from social networking services to commercialized broadcasting sectors, create new modes of politics building on existing political divides between middle class minorities and majority publics. We will also consider how the politics of ethnicity, religion, caste/race, gender and sexuality shape these new modes of political engagement.  In this process we will pay attention to the role of the state and the expanded influence of established commercial media industries in generating new forms of public-private surveillance and control. Finally, we will consider the shifting political valences of digital activism, paying attention to how political energies have been re-oriented towards right-wing populism and new digitally enhanced modes of authoritarianism.  

The Winter School will allow PhD students and advanced research masters’ students with significant professional experience, including journalists and researchers allied with social movements, to problematize these questions in the politically dynamic setting of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is an ideal city to discuss the dynamics of media activism historically and in the present given its postcolonial status, unique media systems in relation to mainland China, and its ongoing power struggle following the Umbrella Movement of 2014.

Conversations at the Hong Kong Winter School will revolve around critical reflections on media activism in the Asian, including West Asia, or the Middle East, and North African context around the following sub-themes, among others:

  • Contemporary forms of media activism in historical context in relation to earlier 20th century movements, parties, and struggles
  • Dynamics of the relationship between media activism and state and corporate control and surveillance
  • Modes of cross-class media activism (middle class, working class/subaltern media campaigns)
  • InterAsian (by which we mean historical and/or contemporary transnational/cross-national/trans-regional processes, structures, practices, and flows within, across and beyond the territorial and imaginative space of Asia)/transborder social movements and media
  • Media and populism/authoritarianism
  • The genres of mediated expression and the question of "political voice"

The Winter School will be held from January 16-21, 2017, at the C-Centre (Centre for Chinese Media and Comparative Communication Research) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In addition to lectures by leading scholars in the field, students will also conduct group projects and enjoy fieldtrips to important sites of media politics in Hong Kong, such as public broadcasters, commercial press, independent media platforms, NGOs, and new and old sites of activist struggles. At the end of the Winter School, students will make final presentations to the public including the social movement and media organizations they study.

Francis Lee, Zaharom Nain and Srirupa Roy will lead the Winter School with Paula Chakravartty as guest co-convenor and Jack Qiu as host co-convenor. Coming from different academic traditions with diverse theoretical and methodological expertise, the lead trainers and co-convenors shall foster an active atmosphere of open discussion, critique, and empirical inquiry. The goal is to facilitate students’ existing research projects in a related field of study through a combination of lectures, fieldtrips, and group work.

For Whom

The Winter School on Media Activism and Postcolonial Futures is intended to support PhD Students or advanced masters’ students with significant related professional experience (such as experience in the field of journalism). All applicants must be committed to or actively working on original research projects that engage with the Winter School theme. We welcome applications from doctoral students and advanced research master's students with significant related professional experience from all social science and humanities disciplines, based in Asia (including West Asia) and globally.


To apply for participation in the Winter School 2017, please complete the online Application form. The application deadline is Monday 13 June 2016, 9.00 am CET.

Selection Procedure

The programme allows a maximum of 20 participants. All who apply by the deadline will be informed about the selection results before 20 August 2016. Please note that we will be unable to provide feedback and comments to those applicants not selected for participation.

Participation Requirements

Selected participants agree to attend and participate in all events from 16–21 January 2017, including lectures, fieldtrips, and group presentations. Participants also agree to read pre-circulated background materials as generated by the Conveners (as relevant).

Language Requirements

A working language of English is required and presentations will be in English. No translation/interpretation services will be available at the conference.

Registration Fee

Participants must pay the following registration fee: € 250.


Half-board accommodation (breakfast and lunch) for seven nights is included for the selected participants.

Travel Costs

Selected participants are expected to fund their own travel expenses. Limited (partial) scholarships are available. For more information, please see Financial Support page. We recommend that you try to raise funds to cover your transportation and/or other expenses as early as possible.


After you have received the confirmation of your participation, you will receive further information about the payment of the registration fee (due in mid-October 2016). You can pay with credit card (Master or Visa) or via bank transfer. 

Cancellation Policy

Participation in the Winter School can be cancelled free of charge until 60 days before the start. If cancellation occurs within 60 days prior to the start of the programme, the fee will not be refunded.


Participants can receive a certificate for the Winter School.

Who organizes the Winter School?

The 2017 Winter School on Media Activism and Postcolonial Futures is co-organized by the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) and the Social Science Research Council’s Transregional Virtual Research Institute (TVRI), “Media, Activism and the New Political.”

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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Media and Cultural Studies

Social Media

Social Sciences

Opportunity Types

Financial aid

Eligible Countries


Host Countries

Hong Kong