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How to Always have a Successful Interview, AUA

Publish Date: May 02, 2016

Event Dates: from May 03, 2016 04:00 to May 03, 2016 06:30

Dressed for success and armed with your killer resume, but still stressing over the dreaded interview? Afraid of having the interviewer ruin your chance of landing that dream job? Learn how to skillfully control any situation and make the interview productive and fun, regardless of the interviewer’s ability. Discover how to communicate through conversation rather than just answering questions.

Bring your resumes and get ready for a mock interview!

About the Speaker

Randal E. Knar has BS and MS degrees in Physics and Electrical Engineering, respectively, with a minor in Mathematics. Early in his career he was the #1 job recruiter at the Space Satellite Technology Division of Hughes Aircraft Company in Los Angeles, California.

While his industrial experience is primarily in military/aerospace, he also has significant experience in commercial industry, consulting and human resources. Mr. Knar also possesses five professional certifications, including Quality Manager, Field Engineer and Six Sigma Expert. He has over 885 hours of Six Sigma training and has held a variety of positions including manufacturing program manager, project manager, quality assurance manager, operations manager, small company manufacturing engineering consultant and six-sigma expert.

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